Hero, ein unscheinbarer Schüler der Shibusen, der ständig von seinen Klassenkameraden rumgeschubst wird, hört von der Legende Excaliburs. Um endlich ein Held zu werden, entschließt er sich, sich mit dem Heiligen Schwert zusammenzutun. Die ersten Erfolge lassen nicht lange auf sich warten und Hero schwingt sich zum Boss der Schülerschaft empor.
A Shibusen student named Hiro who is often taken advantage of by other students has discovered Excalibur’s book and envisions himself as a hero, so he goes and retrieves the legendary sword. When Black*Star arrives at school the next day, he finds Hiro beating up on other students, and with Hiro is Excalibur. Excalibur is still his long-winded and annoying self, but Hiro can actually tolerate him and his list of 1000 things. Black*Star, however, cannot, and soon feels the urge to kill Excalibur. Both Kid and another student named Kilik want to participate as well, but none of their attacks hit, and Hiro and Excalibur defeat all three with a single move. As a result of all this, Hiro finally feels respected, and he has no trouble following Excalibur’s list of 1000 things that he has to do, such as participating in a daily 5 hour recitation and always praising Excalibur.
Hiro, in quanto considerato da tutti un perdente alla Shibusen, diventa il Maestro D'armi di Excalibur. All'inizio viene sfidato da Black Star, Death The Kid e Kirikou Run, però quest'ultimi vengono sconfitti dalla potenza di Excalibur ed Hiro diventa il bullo della Shibusen. Inoltre egli riesce ad eseguire tutti i 1000 compiti che bisogna fare perché Excalibur rimanga la sua Arma. Tuttavia, quando tutto sembrava andare bene, Hiro riporta Excalibur dov'era, in quanto starnutiva e faceva versi tutto il tempo.
Очередное появление Экскалибура. Что будет если неумеющий отказывать лузер станет непобедимым?
Hero es un joven no muy famoso entre sus compañeros del Shibusen, pero él está dispuesto a cambiar su estrella y cree que podrá hacerlo con la Espada Sagrada Excalibur, por lo que va a buscarla y decide que superará todas las pruebas y caprichos que la incoherente espada le proponga.