Anita intenta reunir a Sofía con sus papás; Leopoldo entra en crisis y finge que Clara, su supuesta esposa, sufrió un infarto. Titi logra evitar la boda religiosa.
María is happy to see again. Leopoldo wants Anita and Inés to go live far away. Cecilia kisses Dani in front of Leonor out of jealousy. Anita asks Sofía for help. Fede fights at school. Cecilia decides to break up with Dani. Leopoldo enters a crisis and pretends that Clara, his supposed wife, suffered a heart attack, after this news Inés says that Clara died.
Anita tenta reunir Sofia com seus pais; Leopoldo entra em crise e finge que Clara, sua suposta esposa, sofreu um infarto. Titi consegue evitar o casamento religioso.