Sofía ayuda a que Romi sea sentenciada a un arresto domiciliario en lo que el juez determina su condena, pero Bárbara sigue en el hospital. Elsa comienza a sospechar de las historias de Leonel.
Romina is arrested for attempted murder after injuring Bárbara with a stone. Leonor and Alberto do everything they can to get Romina released. Nicolás learns that Bárbara is seriously ill in the hospital and visits her, but her father makes him leave and makes it clear that he wants justice. Sofía and Gotcha help Romina to be sentenced to house arrest while the judge determines her sentence, but Romina asks Nico to take her to see Bárbara at the hospital.
Sofia ajuda Romi a ser condenada à prisão domiciliar enquanto o juiz determina sua sentença, mas Bárbara ainda está no hospital. Elsa começa a suspeitar das histórias de Leonel.