Los Muñoz-Cano están tristes por tener que vender la propiedad, pero juntos saldrán adelante. Leopoldo mete a Alberto en problemas con Sofía.
When Vicente learns that Marco has been arrested, he informs Paula to go home and Paula says goodbye to all the Muñoz Cano family, thanking them for their great support. Anita is indifferent to Diego. Alberto apologizes to his family for the problems they are having on the property. Mónica asks Orlando not to look for her again. Romina comes to visit Nicolás' house; he shows her his bedroom and she misunderstands things. Leopoldo gets Alberto in trouble with Sofía, who thinks her father is losing his memory.
Os Muñoz-Canos estão tristes por ter que vender a propriedade, mas juntos eles terão sucesso. Leopoldo coloca Alberto em apuros com Sofia.