Los Muñoz-Cano sufren al ver que Romina se ha ido; todos salen a buscarla. Titi logra meterse a vivir a la casa de Alberto.
Alberto beats up Orlando for ruining a sale of the workshop and Sofía ends up becoming more disappointed in him. Romina suffers from feeling that no one loves her. Mónica is happy about her marriage. Titi manages to move into Alberto's house. Anita vents to Sofía about her parents' separation. Leopoldo will have to undergo emergency surgery. Titi gets jealous when she sees Alberto with Leonor. The Muñoz-Cano family suffers when they see that Romina has left; they all go out to look for her.
Os Muñoz-Canos sofrem ao ver que Romina partiu; todos eles saem para procurá-la. Titi consegue se mudar para a casa de Alberto.