Sofía rechaza el amor de Alberto, más después de que Titi la chantajea. Miguel enfrenta a Alberto y Leopoldo quiere desistir del contrato.
Alberto tries to clear things up with Sofía, but she rejects him and asks him to be careful of her father and Orlando, since it seems that they want to deceive him with one of the clauses of the contract. Titi looks for Sofía to demand that she leave Alberto alone. Alberto confesses his feelings to Leopoldo. Laura accompanies Vicente to the library. Sofía rejects Alberto's love, after Titi blackmails her. Fede registers 'Captain Eagle' for the competitions and he accepts. Miguel confronts Alberto. Leonor accepts that Romi attends school.
Sofia rejeita o amor de Alberto, especialmente depois que Titi a chantageia. Miguel enfrenta Alberto e Leopoldo quer desistir do contrato.