Orphen finds out that Magic is out of control of magic and bans the use of magic. However, Magick makes Orphen, who treats himself half-serving, frustrated. When the party left the underpass, there was a prison where Sarua was captured.
When he breaks the prison with Sarua, the pursuit approaches immediately behind him. It was Orphen who quickly composed magic, but that magic is ...
Orphen, Majic e Claiomh conseguem sair da passagem subterrânea, mas Orphen percebe que há algo terrivelmente errado com ele.
Orphen, Majic und Claiomh gelingt es, aus dem Untergrund herauszukommen. Sie finden sich im Kerker des Heiligtums wieder, wo sie auf Salua treffen.
Orphen, Majic y Claiomh logran salir del paso subterráneo, pero Orphen se da cuenta de que algo anda terriblemente mal con él.
Orphen, Majic et Cleo arrivent au précipice séparant le tunnel souterrain du temple de l'Église de Kimluck. Cependant, une épreuve de taille attend les deux sorciers.
بعد عثورهم على ذلك الكم الهائل من الجثث يتسلق أورفين والرفاق الحفرة مغادرين الممر السفلي لكنهم يجدون أنفسهم في مكان أكثر خطورة.