Wakana Gojo (Kouta Nomura), tasked with creating a cosplay outfit for Marin Kitagawa (Riko Nagase), is stunned that someone so different from him would want to connect. Marin surprises him further by suddenly visiting his house, saying she couldn’t wait for measurements and tracked down his address. After taking her measurements, Wakana struggles at school, where Marin casually approaches him despite judgmental stares. Trying to avoid attention, Wakana distances himself, but Marin confronts him, confused why a friend would avoid her.
Moved by her words, Wakana resolves to create Marin’s costume and shares his dream of becoming a Hina doll craftsman, deepening their bond. However, he learns Marin plans to wear the outfit at a cosplay event in just two weeks. Determined to meet the deadline, Wakana throws himself into the project.