When Sonny and Tawni are guests on "Gotcha with Gilroy Smith," Gilroy tries to get Tawni and Sonny to confess some embarrassing moments on "So Random!". Sonny and Tawni make a pact backstage that they will have each others back but they realize that there is a hidden camera so Gilroy knows about their pact. Tawni breaks the pact and Sonny starts to think about Chad Dylan Cooper, but Gilroy knows that is a face of someone who has a boy crush. Gilroy brings Chad out (Chad thinks he's there because of a book he read) and shows a clip of him and Sonny sharing a rather romantic moment from Episode 2. They both go backstage and they don't realize there's another hidden camera and everyone is watching them. Sonny and Chad are about to tell each other what their feelings are for one another, but Tawni, feeling she owes Sonny, grabs the remote and turns off the camera so Gilroy and the studio audience can't see what happens. Gilroy turns the camera back on and sees Sonny saying "That was so much easier to say than I thought it would be," and then walking away with Chad. Gilroy becomes mad because he doesn't know what Sonny and Chad said to each other, although it is thought that they told each other that they like each other, based on what they were saying before and after Tawni turned the camera off.
Sunny e Tawni são convidadas para participar do programa de entrevistas Te Peguei! com Gilroy Smith e têm a chance de relembrar bons e maus momentos nos bastidores do Sem Sentido!. Mas Gilroy quer que elas contem coisas embaraçosas que já viveram e pede a Sunny que fale sobre sua vida amorosa. Então, inesperadamente, ele chama Chad ao palco e mostra imagens íntimas de Sunny e Chad do episódio História da Costa Oeste, o que acaba envergonhando os dois.
Cuando Sunny y Tawni son invitadas a un programa, están entusiasmadas hasta que se dan cuenta de que Gilroy tiene la intención de sacarle algo personal y vergonzoso por todos los medios necesarios, y ve que la aparente atracción entre Chad y Sunny es perfecta.
Sonny a Tawni jsou pozvané do talkshow, kde s moderátorem probírají největší pikantnosti z natáčení.
Tato epizoda je sestřihem nejlepších okamžiků z celé 1. série.
Sonny und Tawni sind bei einer Talkshow eingeladen. Es handelt sich um ‚Erwischt‘ mit Gilroy Smith. Dummerweise ist es eine Talkshow, bei der die Gäste reingelegt werden sollen. Die beiden Mädchen schließen einen Pakt, um sich gegenseitig den Rücken zu stärken. Doch Gilroy fährt immer schärfere Geschütze auf. Am Ende lädt er sogar Chad dazu. Als Sonny und Chad auch einen Pakt schließen wollen, läuft wieder eine versteckte Kamera mit. Das Publikum soll Zeuge werden, wie die zwei über ihre Gefühle zueinander sprechen.