Auf einmal wollen alle so sein wie Sonic, machen Lauftraining, schlafen auf Dächern und versuchen einfach alles, um ihren Held zu kopieren. In dem Chaos spielen plötzlich sämtliche Haushaltsgeräte der Stadt verrückt und greifen die Bewohner an. Sonic und Knuckles nehmen den Kampf gegen die wild gewordenen Waschmaschinen, Mixer und Staubsauger auf.
As the Freedom Movement spreads, Thorndyke Industries appliances become less than perfect as workers quit to copy their hero. Nelson is furious because he will lose his job because of Sonic until he has a phone call from Ella that Chris has caught a cold. Nelson departs his business and takes Lindsey and both go see Chris. At the same time in prison, Eggman, Decoe and Bocoe are repairing the appliances where Eggman puts a chip on them which makes them crazy and evil to seek revenge on Sonic. When he activates them, the appliances turn evil and begin to attack the city.
Condannato ai lavori forzati, Eggman tende una trappola a Sonic e ai suoi amici trasformando un esercito di elettrodomestici in robot letali.
A medida que se propaga el Movimiento por la Libertad, los electrodomésticos de Thorndyke Industries se vuelven menos que perfectos ya que los trabajadores renuncian para copiar a su héroe.