A sudden strike and an apex predator leave victims.
Carnivores & herbivores both do damage.
Bites can kill, but cures can be just as dangerous.
Two brutal incidents—a double-mauling and a marine mystery—scar their victims' bodies and minds, but nature calls them back to face their fears.
Recreation leads to near ruin as a surfer and a trail runner face off with two vastly different, highly evolved creatures.
When humans cross paths with earth's largest land carnivore or a stealthy sea creature, the results can be painful and nearly deadly.
Two boys enjoying summer. Two predators looking for a meal. Survival takes courage and self-sacrifice.
On two continents, happy couples enjoying nature accidentally trigger attacks by very different animals. The result: teamwork equals survival.
When an outdoorsman downs an elk, hunter becomes hunted. An attack by one of earth’s oldest marine predators changes the course of one woman’s life.
A caregiver needs care after colliding with a toothy aquatic predator, and animals that usually steer clear of humans decide to attack in a pack.
From the African wilderness to the American woods, animals wreak havoc when humans invade their territory.
In Florida, the animal kingdom bites back. For the unlucky humans in harm’s way, it takes heroism from ordinary citizens to save their lives.
In Cancun, a spearfisherman’s perfect catch snares him in the vise-like jaws of a hungry reptile. While hunting in the Florida swamps, a husband and wife run into a predator who is not happy to see them. A group of boys go for a summer swim in a Florida river when a lethal predator moves in for the kill.
In northern Canada, a waitress on her way home from a Halloween party is ambushed by Earth’s largest land carnivore. In the Pacific Northwest, a civil servant on a getaway weekend is ambushed by a predator going toe to toe with his attacker to save himself and his dogs. In northern Minnesota, a camping trip turns into a battle for survival.
In Orange County, California, a personal trainer becomes the second victim of an apex predator stalking the mountain trails. Deep in the Montana wilderness, an expert woodsman defends himself against an enraged, 400-pound predator not once but twice. Then in the San Gabriel Mountains, one false step turns a young couple’s romantic hike into a desperate battle to save life and limb.
Danger strikes from above and below the surface in these aquatic attacks.