말로만 듣던 JYP구내식당에 드디어 가봤어요!!!! 친환경,유기농을 강조하셨던만큼 정말 잊지못할 음식이였어요ㅠㅠ 박진영선배님께서 이렇게 식당까지 유기농으로 하게 된 이유가 어린 연습생친구들때문에 시작되었다고 하시더라구요. 항상 부실하게 먹는 모습이 너무 가슴이 아프셨다고...ㅠ 따숩
사실 JYP식당을 가게 된 이유가 이번 마마시상식에서 콜라보무대를 함께 할 수 있는 영광을 얻어 연습을 하기위해 회사로 갔다가 이렇게 식당까지.....;;
흔쾌히 허락해주신 박진영선배님께 정말 감사드리고, 촬영날 굉장히 신경을 많이 써주신 식당 쉐프님분들ㅠㅠ그리고 JYP회사직원분들께도 모두 감사드립니다!
I finally went to the JYP cafeteria that I had only heard of!!!! It was truly unforgettable food as you emphasized eco-friendly and organic food. Park Jin-young said that the reason why the restaurant became organic like this was because of young trainee friends. It hurts my heart to see you always eating poorly... In fact, the reason I went to the JYP restaurant was to get the honor of being able to perform the collaboration stage together at the Mama Awards ceremony, so I went to the company to practice and went to the restaurant like this.....;; I am really grateful to Jinyoung Park for willingly giving me permission, the restaurant chefs who paid a lot of attention on the day of filming, and thank you to all the staff of JYP!