흔쾌히 응해주신 송가연 선수님께 진심으로 감사드립니다^^
오늘은! 제가 격투기 선수 송가연 선수님과 제대로 격투기 한판 벌여봤습니다 ㅋㅋㅋ 제가 격투기 경기를 자주 봤었는데 이렇게 실제 선수 분과 격투기를 해보는 건 처음이라 너무 떨리더라구요;
시작하기 전부터 저보다 더 걱정이 많았던 송가연 선수님,,,
ㅠㅠ 너무나 여리셔요
빅매치아니고 그냥 매치!
재밌게 봐주세요:)
I sincerely thank MMA fighter Song Ga-yeon for graciously agreeing to this^^
Today I had a real MMA bout with MMA fighter Song Ga-yeon haha!
I used to watch MMA fights often, but this was my first time actually fighting with a professional fighter;
I was so nervous;
Song Ga-yeon, who was more worried than I was even before we started,,,
TTTT She's such a kind person
It's not a big match, just a friendly match!
Please enjoy watching :)