Private forensic researcher Nagareda Enishi (Katori Shingo) is usually very sluggish as well as sloppy, and always aloof. However, his entire demeanour changes once he is at a scene and his skills as a forensic researcher are topnotch. He stands up for the disadvantaged by using science and technology to uncover conclusive evidence and solve trivial civil cases which the police will not handle such as adultery, molest and stalking. Enishi used to be a member of the Research Institute of Forensic Science and was called an ace, but he now belongs to Chiyoda Forensic Science Institute due to some incident.
原著漫畫2012年開始在「GRAND JUMP」連載,故事講述流田緣(香取慎吾)頂著一頭亂髮,平常超級糊塗又懶散,不擅整理桌面亂七八糟,但卻是警視廳科捜研的皇牌技官,之後他離開加入民營的千代田科學搜查研究所,一手拿著甜甜圈一邊工作,發揮強大創意和能力,在不同案件包括保險賠償、痴漢無罪證明、跟蹤狂受害等,以DNA鑑定、畫像分析、筆跡鑑定、指紋配合等科學技術,提供決定性的證據。