Towards at the end of the last episode, Amelia is badly and is being healed by Milgasia, while the others fight Gaav off. Xellos escapes Gaav's grip, while Martina and the little boy are watching from afar. Gourry and Zelgadis tries to fight him off, but when think they are about to get killed, Amelia wakes up and stops Gaav.
Gaav starts to head for Amelia, but Zelgadis jumps, taking the blow which saves her. Lina is very weak, and is now being healed by Milgasia. She is fully recovered, and fights Gaav. She uses the Laguna Blade to kill him.
When they are about to celebrate, Martina notices the boy missing. All off a sudden, Gaav shows up, and they try to make a run for it. But then, the Hellmaster, shows up... who was actually the little boy in disguise. With a snap of his fingers, Gaav is instantly killed.
The Hellmaster, named Phibrizzo, somewhat retreats and takes Gourry as a hostage, so that Lina follows his unknown plan to them. He tells them go to Sairaag, to save Gou
Lina doit faire face à Garve mais elle est affaiblie par le dernier combat mené. Pour lui permettre de récupérer des forces, ses amis affrontent Garve dans un combat vraiment inégal...
Der Höllenmeister Fibrizio gibt sich zu erkennen und verkündet, dass er die Welt vernichten will! (Text: Premiere)
Gaav pone el partido de Lina en caso de apuro. A continuación, aparece el mal más poderoso Señor, Phibrizzo, que se produjo después de que el traidor Garv. Con su poder, él bate Gaav fácilmente. Él le dice a la fiesta de Lina venir a Sairaag por otro plan. Él se va, tomando como rehenes Gourry por ello.
리나 인버스 일행 최대의 위기! 그 때 리나 인버스 일행을 안내했던 소년이 가브를 일격에 쓰러트린다. 소년의 정체는 바로 모든 사건의 배후인 명왕 피브리조였던 것이다. 피브리조의 목적은 마족에게 반기를 든 가브의 제거하고 다른 한가지 목적을 위해 리나에게 사이라그 시티로 찾아올 것을 요구한다. 그것을 이루기 위해 가우리를 인질로 잡아가는데... 리나 인버스 일행은 가우리를 무사히 구출 할 수 있을까?