They return to Seyruun only to find the flags are at at half-mast. They think Phil (Amelia's father) is dead, but no body was recovered.
They soon learn that there was (and still is) some kind of plot against Phil, which could of been why he died.
While talking one late night, they are interrupted by a intruder at the castle, making the guards go into a frenzy.
The next morning, Lina and the rest are attacked by the same intruder, but only to find out that it's Phil is disguise. He then reveals that the only way he could of find out who was really against him was to fake his own death.
He is worried because the battle has just begun.
Nos amis arrivent à Selone, où Amelia apprend que son père, le prince Philionnel, a peut-être été tué.
Auf Amelias Vater Philionel sind mehrere Mordanschläge verübt worden. Als die fünf Freunde endlich nach Seyruun kommen, erfahren sie, dass Philionel die Stadt verlassen haben und bei einer Explosion ums Leben gekommen sein soll. Sofort machen sie sich auf die Suche nach Spuren. (Text: Premiere)
El grupo finalmente llega a Seyruun sólo para ser recibido por calles desiertas ominosamente. Llegan al palacio y averiguar Príncipe Phil, el padre de Amelia, fue asesinado. Amelia jura lágrimas en los ojos a llevar a los criminales ante la justicia y arrastra a lo largo de todo el mundo a la escena del crimen para buscar pruebas.
세일룬에 도착한 리나 인버스 일행! 그런데 세일룬에서 기다리고 있던 것은 아멜리아의 부친인 세일룬 제1왕위계승자 피리오넬의 비보! 그의 죽음이 암살에 의한 것임을 알게 된 아멜리아는 진상규명에 나선다. 하지만 피리오넬의 암살 현장에 도착한 일행을 기다리고 있던 마족의 공격으로 궁지에 몰리게 된다. 그 위기를 구한 것은 죽은 줄만 알았던 피리오넬 본인이었다. 이게 어떻게 된 것일까?