Zelgadis tries to seperate himself from the group in order to look for the Clair Bible. When they aren't asking him why he is so distant, he gives a not-so secret clue by yelling at them.
Lina wants to help him, so the middle of the night, she terrorizes a group of bandits about or location of the Clair Bible, but they don't know anything. The rest of the group go to Lina, and is shocked by her actions. She tries to lie, but Amelia isn't that dumb.
A mysterious guy named Xellos shows up and asks for their help looking for the manuscript of the Clair Bible. He explains a group of bandits had stolen the manuscript from the temple he worked at, but they aren't fooled. Lina asks him what is his true intention, but he tells her ""It's a secret.""
Zelgadis isn't pleased with Xellos, and decide to look for it on his own. Xellos then explains he knows the group of bandits that stole it called the ""Fighting Dragon's Blood Macho Battlers.""
Lina and Gourry dress up in disguise and present the
Nos amis essaient de retrouver la Clare Bible pour essayer de redonner une apparence normale à Zelgadis. En chemin ils rencontrent Zeross, qui leur indique où trouver une copie de ce précieux document.
Lina und ihre Freunde wollen Zelgadis helfen, die Kopie der Kureyaa-Bibel zu finden. Dabei bekommen sie es mit einer Räuberbande und einem geheimnisvollen Priester zu tun. (Text: Premiere)
Lina y otros continúan su viaje para ayudar a Zelgadiss encontrar una copia de Claire Biblia. Se reúnen un cura que se hace llamar Xellos . Les pide que ayude a conseguir su vuelta Biblia. Ser sospechoso de su historia, se dirigen al escondite de los bandidos que según él robó la Biblia.
제르가디스와 아멜리아가 합류한 리나 일행은 전설의 마법서 클레어 바이블을 찾으러 떠나는 중 제로스라는 수수께끼의 신관이 나타나 도둑들에게 빼앗긴 클레어 바이블의 사본을 되찾아달라고 의뢰를 해온다. 과연 제로스는 무슨 꿍꿍이일까?