Lina wird auf der Burg von Zelgadis gefangengehalten. Seltsamerweise verhilft er ihr dann aber zur Flucht. Doch schon bald droht neue Gefahr.
Lina awakens to find that she is held captive in Zelgadis' hideout. After Lina is questioned about the Orihalcon statue, she lies about why Zolf is unable to locate it magically. She is then asked why she didn't fight back harder in the previous skirmish. Zelgadis determines that she should be kept alive until they retrieve the statue in any case and she is then subjected to threats of torture by Zolf and repercussions for her previous treatment of him, much of it ineffective, to his dismay.
Reena despierta encontrándose cautiva en una celda del escondite de Zelgadiss. Después de ser interrogada sobre el paradero de la estatuilla de Orihalcón, y de ser amenazada por la banda de Zelgadiss, el mutante tiene un cambio de parecer a su respecto...
ゼルガディスたちの手によって捕らえられたリナを助け出したのは、張本人のゼルガディスだった!? 彼と脱出するが、その訳を話そうとはしない。そして追っ手の半魚人ヌンサに湖の中へ引きずり込まれたリナは回復しない魔力のため大苦戦。そこに赤法師レゾが出現した…!
오리하르콘 여신상을 녀석들에게 공격당해 포로가 된 리나 인버스. 가우리에게 여신상을 맡겨 두었지만, 마력은 돌아오지 않는다. 그러나 무슨 이유인지 제르가디스가 풀어주고 도망치는 리나 인버스 앞에 나타난건 적법사 레조, 진짜 적은 레조인가?