Effy befindet sich auf ihrem absoluten Tiefpunkt, seit nicht mehr sie sondern Katie die Anführerin der Clique ist. Und letztere nutzt ihren neuen Status auch gleich aus, um Effy unmissverständlich klar zu machen, dass sie die Finger von Freddie zu lassen hat. Trotzdem lädt Katie sie auf eine Party im Wald ein. Allerdings gibt es bei der Sache einen Haken: Effy soll den Fahrer spielen, und Cook ist nicht willkommen. Am Ziel angekommen, findet Effy erfreulicherweise halluzinogene Pilze, die sie gleich ausprobiert. Es dauert nicht lange, bis die Party vollkommen außer Kontrolle geraten ist...
Effy (Kaya Scodelario) is at the lowest point, but this time there’s no older brother at home to notice; and home life has deteriorated so much that it’s even harder than ever for her to communicate.
Katie (Megan Prescott), having usurped Effy as Queen Bee, takes every opportunity to rub in her superiority and highlight the fact that Freddie (Luke Pasqualino) is her man, and Effy is to keep her hands off. She invites Effy to a party in the woods, but there are stipulations - Effy has to drive, and Cook is not welcome.
As they all head off, the car strains with tension - as secrets and rivalries build. Their paranoid state increases when they have a frightening run in with some poachers. Freddie manages to lighten the mood, and as they arrive at the campsite, they recover themselves and start to have fun.
Effy finds some magic mushrooms, and they experiment. Katie’s jealousy of Effy returns, as Effy becomes the centre of the action. The fun and excitement intensify, that is until it becomes clear someone has been tampering with their stuff. Hearing gun shots, they realise someone is charging towards them. The atmosphere darkens and any fun they were having disappears in an instant.
Later, Effy gets the opportunity to follow her heart, but a decision she makes may be difficult to ever recover from.
Kaverukset lähtevät leireilemään, mutta kivanpito keskeytyy karusti. Thomasia kalvaa totuus Pandorasta, Cook käy kaikkien hermoille ja Effystä on tullut tunteeton ihminen, joka pompottelee poikia edestakaisin. Hän tekee jotain peruuttamatonta.
La bande, à l'exception de Cook, décide d'aller camper dans les bois à l'occasion d'une fête. Effy au volant, ils feront une étrange rencontre dans une station-service, puis finiront par trouver leur chemin. Ils s'installent et se préparent à passer une soirée qui, on peut le dire, restera dans les mémoires...
אפי איבדה את הקמע שלה. היא מחליטה לשתף את פרדי ברגשותיה אבל מגלה שהוא שקוע במישהי אחרת.
La maschera di sicurezza che Effy si era creata per nascondere i propri problemi si sta velocemente sgretolando. Il gruppo di amici decide di fare una festa nel bosco, senza però invitare Cook. Ben presto segreti e rivalità intaccano la pace del gruppo e il ritrovamento di alcuni funghi allucinogeni da parte di Effy scatena una serie di eventi incontrollabili.
Effy, una chica complicada, es popular, querida por todos pero en el fondo ella está mal, su familia está rota y además siente algo muy fuerte por Freddy, aunque no lo quiera reconocer. Effy se va con sus amigos al campo y se va a encontrar con serios problemas allí.
Effy perdeu a confiança. Ela decide confrontar seus sentimentos por Freddie, mas o encontra ao lado de outra pessoa.