In the tradition of X-Men, discover a spectacular animated world where good meets evil in a sci-fi collision of high-technology and mythic fantasy. When the Lightstar Crystal split into two, the kingdom of LuminiCity is plunged into darkness and divided into two warring factions. Now, the rightful heirs to the throne must come together to battle the powerful forces of the evil Baron Dark and reunite the two halves of the crystal before their world slips into the shadows forever!
Someone has betrayed the humans and the Legion of Light -- when Prince Lightstar and Talyn are captured by Baron Dark. All fingers point to their brother Grimskull because he has the ability to mentally ""connect' with the evil Baron Dark. But, in fact, another human, Selkirk, is the traitor of Grimskull proves his loyalty by rescuing Prince Lightstar and Talyn.
For the first time, thehumans discover a way to 'stop' a Skeleton Warrior, Talyn discovers that by removing a Warriors 'heartstone', that Warrior is instantly 'refleshed'. Ferris leaves the Legion of Light, unable to trust himself after his 'transformation', but finds enogh tcourage to warn the Legion of Light of a suprise attack, and say goodbye to Talyn.
Grimskull investigates the Data Crystal which scans the images of unforseen destruction of Luminicity. But there's a scandal happpens between the people and Grimskull except the 4 commandoes trapped at inside the cage at the Baron Dark's castle.
The food and mdical supplies are stolen by the evil Skeleton warriors inside at the town of Romney. now, there's a chance to help with the Legion of Light. A woman named Zara. She's also needed to help his father named Damas who causing sickness and also a closed friend with his love interest Joshua Steele (Grimskull). But their chance for the mission is to find the stolen food and medical supplies went to the unscrumpolous evil Baron Dark.
Someone who gets a nightmare into reality. But this time, Dr. Cyborn re-programs the 'mind infiltration device' (also known as the Crynoscan who invented/developed by Dr. Augusta Janov). It programs the Baron Dark's mind control to Grimskull's brain. Likewise, what happens to Baron Dark can able to destroy Grimskull's mind or can Prince Lightstar able to stop him against this dream machine?
The secret factory which manufactures hydrothermal bombs and ballistic weaponry under Baron Dark and these men are the 'slave workers' where captured by the Skeleton Warriors. The heroic Legion of Light plans to freed these slave workers in any time, except Ursak the Guardian undercovers as a slave worker. And on the other side, a harmonic weaponry was developed at the headcamp.
A massive dynamite explosion inside at the ore, the heroic Legion of Light are trapped so as the Skeleton warriors did. They finding the way to escape out at the top of the mountain. guardian retolds the Dr. Janov's futurescope stories to the siblings. And si the Guardian flashes the memory will expected the life and death situation between our heroes against the Skeleton Warriors?
Grimskull & Guardian plans to destroy Baron Dark's project, ""The Gorgon"". Dr. Cyborn and Baron Dark aboards on this flying battleship. Meanwhile, the confrontation between Price Lightstar & Talyn and Dagger & Shriek are about to meet Dodogarn, king of the Simeonites. They attend the ambassador's night until a worst situation turns really, really bad!
The battle continues between the Legion of Light vs. the Skeleton Warriors, but until... Talyn is causing a hit using a laser-guided radar beam. She feel into the river and survived on the grounds. But she causes a losing her power and blurry eyesight. And now, Grimskull and the bird 'Serafina' searcing to save Tayln but not Shriek and Dagger approaches on the manhunt. Also, Prince Lightstar and Ursak disscusses the predictions about the Lightstar crytal is turning overload and threatens the maximum explosion in the entire planet!
Before the final battle, Prince Lightstar revisits the life of his childhood and his father was a king. Now, Prince Lightstar comes back to his life-long relationship is fianlly over. But not for Baron Dark, he plans to captured his father turns the throne into a darker betrayal to become King Baron Dark! The web of war is on!
In preparation for the final battle, the heroic Legion of Light plans to search the missing half of the Lightstar Crystal already found inside the underground control room. Baron Dark unveils the huge-sized satue in the colliseum while the crystal is given to Grimskull from Talyn and going to the Tavern of Light and he still going on the chase. Meanwhile, Ursak, Talyn and Prince Lightstar plans to destroy the colliseum including the statue using explosives and freed the prisoners. But until, the skeletonized dragon was freed on attack and killed by the statue includes the colliseum explodes! Grimskull approaches the Tavern of Light but Baron Dark is finally arrived and the bridge was destroyed in some portions of the bridges. Baron Dark reaches the the crystal and Grimskull loses the control by the hands and fell into the river from the gorge. Few minutes later, Prince Lightstar, Talyn and Ursak already arrived but Grimskull is failed to help and cried them out. But where's Grimskull a
After Grimskull falls into the river from the bridge, the three Legion of Light heroes continues to search the half of the Lightstar Crystal. However, the crystal is continue to seal from Baron Dark except with the Skeleton Warriors passes to another. But Prince Lightstar fails to catch it. The half of the crystal is completely back in full, Baron Dark, transforms into the ultimate most powerful curse of them all! Baron Dark powerful spell is stronger yet and the people transforms into these living skeletons, so as the Legion of Light is on attack! But for Talyn and Prince Lightstar, except the unknown portal warp was captured... Grimskull is finally alive! Meanwhile, Ursak enters the Lightstar Castle and Baron Dark is finally approching and the spell transforms from the castle into a high peak volcano. Be prepared for the final showdown betweenPrince Lightstan against Baron Dark as well as the rescue of the Ursak, Talyn and Grimskull in the dangerous paths against the Skeleton Warrior
Short documentary on the making of the show featuring the cast and crew.