Fahad spends the last day of his life with the fear of his father looming over his head. Like a rat on a wheel, Fahad scurries through cycles of fear characterized by different aspects of his father and tries to break free.
متأثرًا بخوفه من والده، يقضي رجلٌ اليوم الأخير في حياته محاولًا الهروب من شخص غامض ومريب، ومُحاصرًا داخل حلقة من المشاعر المتقلّبة.
Terrorisé par son père désormais disparu, un homme passe le dernier jour de sa vie à tenter d'échapper à une figure ténébreuse qui suscite en lui de fortes émotions.
Bloccato dalla paura per il padre, un uomo passa l'ultimo giorno della sua vita cercando di sfuggire a una figura oscura e provando a ciclo continuo emozioni drammatiche.