All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Chaucer-Ted Hughes, 1384-1984

    • May 2, 1984

    A sweeping introduction to English-language poetry. Featured performers: Peggy Ashcroft, Cyril Cusack, Nicholas Gecks, Julian Glover, Lee Remick, Ian Richardson, Gary Watson.

  • S01E02 Old English

    • May 9, 1984

    Humor, adventure, faith, and violence in Anglo-Saxon poetry, including Beowulf. Featured performers: Nicholas Gecks and Julian Glover.

  • S01E03 Chaucer, 1300-1400

    • May 16, 1984

    The Canterbury Tales showcases Chaucer's wit and brilliant characterizations. Featured performers: Gary Watson, Brian Coburn, Nicholas Gecks, Gerrard McArthur, and Ian Richardson.

  • S01E04 Medieval-Elizabethan, 1400-1600

    • May 23, 1984

    Poems by John Skelton, Thomas Wyatt, Chidiock Tichborne, Thomas Nashe, Christopher Marlowe, Walter Raleigh, and William Shakespeare, ranging from simple, heartfelt sentiments to sophisticated social commentary. Featured performers: Peggy Ashcroft, Nicholas Gecks, Julian Glover, and Ian Richardson.

  • S01E05 Shakespeare, 1564-1616

    • May 30, 1984

    The "rough magic" of William Shakespeare's onstage verse. Featured performers: John Gielgud, Peggy Ashcroft, and Ralph Richardson.

  • S01E06 Metaphysical & Devotional, 1590-1670

    • June 6, 1984

    Poems of carnal and spiritual love by John Donne, George Herbert, and Andrew Marvell. Featured performers: Peggy Ashcroft and Julian Glover.

  • S01E07 Milton, 1608-1674

    • June 13, 1984

    The power of Milton's lyrical poetry and great epic, Paradise Lost. Featured performer: Ian Richardson.

  • S01E08 Restoration & Augustan, 1660-1745

    • June 20, 1984

    Political, social, and literary satire from John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester; John Dryden; Jonathan Swift; and Alexander Pope. Featured performers: Nicholas Gecks, Julian Glover, and Ian Richardson.

  • S01E09 Romantic Pioneers, 1750-1805

    • October 21, 1984

    Imagination loosed in William Blake, Christopher Smart, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and William Wordsworth. Featured performers: Peggy Ashcroft, Julian Glover, and Ian Richardson.

  • S01E10 Wordsworth, 1770-1850

    • October 28, 1984

    Nature and human nature in William Wordsworth. Featured performer: Julian Glover.

  • S01E11 Younger Romantics, 1800-1824

    • November 4, 1984

    The brief but dazzling genius of Percy Shelley, John Keats, and Lord Byron. Featured performers: Peggy Ashcroft, Nicholas Gecks, and Ian Richardson.

  • S01E12 Victorians, 1837-1901

    • November 11, 1984

    Love and death in Alfred, Lord Tennyson; Emily Bronte; Christina Rossetti; Robert Browning; Matthew Arnold; and A.C. Swinburne. Featured performers: Peggy Ashcroft, Julian Glover, and Ian Richardson.

  • S01E13 American Pioneers, 1855-1910

    • November 18, 1984

    The distinctly American voices of Walt Whitman, Edgar Allen Poe, Julia Ward Howe, Herman Melville, and Emily Dickinson. Featured performers: Stacy Keach and Lee Remick.

  • S01E14 Romantics & Realists, 1870-1920

    • November 25, 1984

    Subtle emotional shadings in Thomas Hardy, Gerard Manley Hopkins, A.E. Housman, and Rudyard Kipling. Featured performers: Peggy Ashcroft, Nicholas Gecks, Julian Glover, and Ian Richardson.

  • S01E15 Early Twentieth Century, 1914-1939

    • December 2, 1984

    The refined world-weariness of W.B. Yeats, Wilfred Owen, Edward Thomas, Robert Frost, T.S. Eliot, and W.H. Auden. Featured performers: Isla Blair, Cyril Cusack, Nicholas Gecks, Stacy Keach, and Ian Richardson.

  • S01E16 Towards the Present, 1934-1984

    • December 9, 1984

    Energy and alienation in Dylan Thomas, Robert Lowell, Philip Larkin, and Ted Hughes. Featured performers: Julian Glover, Anthony Hopkins, and Stacy Keach.