This is my first foray into podcasting. I asked you guys to send me questions and most of you were very very unhappy with valentines day. In my 42 minute long rambling, I cover marriage, cheating and also why my mother doesn't come to my shows. This will be a weekly show, Trying something new. So keep sending me your questions on Youtube, Instagram or Twitter using the hashtag #SimpleKen. Hope you listen to it as you go about your day! Available on Spotify as well.
It feels so good to be back with a second episode. I was so happily overwhelmed with the positive support for the first episode which was the perfect springboard for this weeks podcas- I mean long recording of me talking. Kanan very graciously offered to lend his time for his sitting and we happily discussed all our insecurities and doubts when it comes to writing comedy and just our careers in general. It was extra special cause Kanan dislikes podcasts a lot. We also continue our hatred for slam poetry and recount a story that he loves to bring up just to annoy me. Simple Ken is available on all major podcasts platforms for free including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Gaana, Saavn and Soundcloud.
With the third episode, I realised a lot of questions were around love, pain and separation. It was quite hard for me to revisit these topics cause what worked for me may not necessarily apply for others. It was also far more easier to do this episode as I am getting a hang of this format. I also elaborated the awkward interview I had with Sonam Kapoor and cleared out why the interview turned out that way. Hope you liked the episode, Let me know what I should talk about in the next episode. Simple Ken is available on all major podcasts platforms for free including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Gaana and Soundcloud.
I had to think really hard about what I wanted to share on this weeks episode. Especially with whats happening in our country and I decide to share what is going through my head since that can't be argued/disputed over 'facts'. The general sense of well being in our country is shaken and I hope we come together to make it better. Also, I have the lovely Biswa on this episode, We have a very interesting friendship and passionately share a lot of opinions that we seldom make public. Thank you for all the lovely questions and making this series what it is with your support. Simple Ken is available on all major podcasts platforms for free including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Gaana and Soundcloud.
In this episode, I try to cover my entire journey of my career from the beginning to this point. I really get into how much impact weight training has made in my life, How Will Smith and Christ Pratt have a lot in common and why the education system has screwed us up a lot which was a discovering I made in painting college. I was supposed to release this episode a week ago but with the whole Corona virus lockdown, it’s been quite a hectic week. Luckily I managed all the things I had to and could get back to editing the episode. Let me know what you thought of this one! Simple Ken is available on all major podcasts platforms for free including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Gaana and Soundcloud.
I haven’t talked about the death of chipper in details anywhere. It is a very personal memory and in this episode I felt like sharing that experience. It'‘s been incredible how Ken and Chip has garnered a big following thanks to you guys so I felt it was about time that you found out about its history. I also talk about the self bias that most artists have when they create content and also some juicy relationship advice in the end cause who doesn’t like that! Simple Ken is available on all major podcasts platforms for free including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Gaana and Soundcloud.
The first Simple Ken episode that was shot during the lockdown. Luckily I have Naveen Richard as a roommate so the guest situation was sorted! It was a challenge working with mics and sound by myself but very happy with the end product. Got a friend to man the second camera and we ended up with an episode! We spoke at length covering most of our fond childhood memories. It was on of the few episodes were it flowed so easily and it ended being the longest one! Hope you like this episode!
This episode was a hard one to shoot…15 days into the lockdown and our spirits were quite down (you can see that from the first few minutes of the episode where our thoughts are kinda meandering) but it picked up by the time we reached the end. I always wanted to cover the topic of ghosts cause Naveen has the most interesting perspective on it. We also go to explore and rant about our hatred towards cats which was super fullfilling. Shooting and editing these have been very hard since it’s so hard to function anyway with whats going on (added to the fact I have housework, cooking and also brand work to manage). What really motivates me are the long, detailed and honest comments and messages I get because of Simple Ken (also recently Spotify started promoting the show as well), All this during a period like this really helps me motivate myself to still create. Let’s hope we get through this together and stronger.
I decided to shoot this in my bedroom. It was quite a tight squeeze but it gave the episode a whole new feel. I felt more at ease talking to you and actually went into a more personal space than I usually have with the other episodes. The question that I found most interesting was developing feelings for someone that isn’t your significant other and how to deal with that. Also, I dwell slightly into the age of “How do we deal with offensive comedy”. I realise that I do show a completely different side when I am by myself and I love the freedom this format brings. Hope you guys are doing alright during this lockdown and taking care of yourself.
I haven’t taken such a huge break between episodes before but the last three weeks were insanely hectic. Taking up a weekly podcast pre-pandemic was alone a big task but adding to whats happening now, It’s become such a challenge just to get normal things sorted. Constant messages for the new episode is what kept me going and finally after weeks of working on other things, I have managed to get the episode shot and edited. I hope you enjoy this one! Managed to answer many questions in 35 minutes. Also! My Netflix special is coming out so I am super stoked! Hope you enjoy watching it on 29th March.
My Netflix special is out! I can't believe it but its finally here. This week has been great and so fulfilling in terms of all the work that has been put in over the years towards a single event. I took up some questions that are really hard to resolve and also a sneak peak into what goes behind shooting and producing comedy content.
Another week, another period of new living. I think we have reached peak “so-what-if-there-is-a-pandemic” phase. Cases are at an all time high, America is fighting for civil rights, We are wondering what the government is doing… With all of this, Seeking normalcy is why I recorded another #SimpleKen. I talk about finding the middle ground with your parents, the fascination with being disappointed with our idols and why are teachers paid so less?
I had quite a wonderful week (for a change). As usual, the world didn't (pretty normal). I got some really interesting questions this week that ranged from suicide, to victimising yourself and even the conflict of "when to poop". Thanks as always for tuning in for every episode. I love the barrage of questions and really enjoy blabbering to myself for 40 minutes.
This easily has to be the longest gap I have taken between recording episodes. Just when I thought the pandemic is the biggest thing I would have to deal with... I can't explain how much has happened in the past month and a half. (I am pretty much a pandemic expert now). I am home in bangalore currently and quickly whipped up a DIY podcast set up and used my phone to shoot along with some shiny new amazon ordered equipment. It's good to be back and it's good to be answering your questions again!
I am really happy with the questions I got for this episode, Also due to my DIY shooting of this episode outdoors, a helicopter was almost successful in delaying my shoot. From topics ranging to tolerance, to clarity from retrospecting and the audience interpreting what you say.
Hope you had a good week! Apart from students across India facing exam stress during the worst possible time, I got questions recording the dilemma of being a doctor during this period, seeing the worst in others and why facing negativity on your path towards betterment isn't necessarily a bad thing.
I tried something new this week. Got a guest! I mean with the trend of having zoom calls, I was a little apprehensive of the inherent lag it entails but surprisingly it wasn't that bad. Also, It's about time I accepted the fact that things aren't gonna change for a while. I was eagerly waiting to do another episode with Kanan and it was so great to have him back on the show, especially when the show has come so far from its humble beginnings. We covered topics from defining what is home, why movie structures are weak and why activas are amazing.
In this episode, I answer questions from Instagram where I focus on Motivation. The motivation to do things, to be nice to people and to truly listen to others. I hope you like this solo episode, Next week I am excited to get Tara on board! Simple Ken has become a part of my life now and I am so glad I have a small group of people who eagerly wait for it!
It's always exciting to involve a friend into my "work". Having Tara on simpleken seems like a very easy fit. Talking to her about such a personal yet significant event in her life is the best way to introduce her to the Simple Ken family. Getting married during a pandemic obviously makes for an interesting interaction topped with some great questions about emotional security , dealing with our parents and adjusting to change.
It seems like a natural sequel to have Jaison on this episode of Simple Ken after Tara being in the last. The three of us used to make videos together and now entering our 30s, it seems befitting to talk about all that has transpired. This is the first time that I have recorded am episode this late into the evening (To match Jaisons US timezone). We relived our early days and also spoke about how we started making videos together. I had fun recounting some stories where I was surprisingly adventurous. We also managed to answer some questions about childhood and planning your life ahead. Quite a decent job covering all these varied themes I must say.
This weeks questions were great as I dissected my past. It was an interesting journey to recount the decisions I made to reach here. How my upbringing, my friends and even where my parents came from affects the person you have become. Got an adorable question from a young listener about friends. End the episode with the classic "Follow your passion" question where I show you the merits of keeping your 9-5 job.
The questions I received for this episode are the frankly the best so far. I loved discussing at length my own struggles of being a guy/boy/man. It's interesting to dissect how people perceive you compared to your internal idea of who you are. Breaking old habits is a recurring theme in simple ken which I revisited. Talked in length about my personal stand up hero Seinfeld which made the fan boy in me happy.
The final episode of the year 2020! It's a day shy of my birthday as well! I had to get this episode done before the year ended even though I am in Bangalore and have taken up a new project that's eating up all my time. Between celebrating Christmas, writing a show, making Instagram reels and wrapping up the year, Simple Ken can't take a back seat! This episode covers the impact of discussing our problems in an open forum to the struggles of staying relevant in the day and age of social media. Also elaborating on "Why I explain things using metaphors", this episode quickly and surely wraps up everything.
The first episode of the year 2021! I always wanted to get Aakash on the show and thanks to the show we are working on (Which is also why I have been away for a while), I get to finally have a wonderful conversation with him on screen with all you guys! We covered our inner workings when it comes to navigating through comedy and also had fun answering questions from you guys! Hope you had a wonderful new year so far and enjoy our candid conversation.
Celebrating the one year anniversary of the podcast, I talk about how I randomly chose "Valentine's Day" as the first topic for the show when in reality I had no idea what I was doing. I explain how I edit these episodes, How comics react to each others jokes and in general thankful for the audience of Simple Ken.
We are back with a new episode and a new guest! Getting Rahul Subramanian on the show was always an eventuality. What better way to record it than in my place. We spoke about our insecurities, our paths to comedy and why we never get around to changing our most stubborn habits.
This is what I always wanted to do with Simpleken. Have a lot of comics together discussing purely our writing process. I am very blessed to be in this field while being surround by such talented minds. To be able to share ideas and concepts with each other is probably the highest privilege I enjoy. We discussed our insecurities, our personal crisis and also our guilty pleasures! Hope you guys can take something away from it and it hopefully adds to your creative and problem solving! Also there was a 10 minute segment on toilet humour which I removed to be empathetic towards some listeners who might find that jarring.
It felt great to come back to a solo episode. I was really excited to answer questions ranging from Toxic Positivity, Privacy, Aspirations, Self Awareness and the classic 'Motivation'. Easily the bleakest month India has had in terms of COVID. Hope you and your family is safe and this episode gives you some respite for an hour.
I know I took a 4 month break ( I say 6 months by mistake in the video), I just wanted to say that I did release three crowd work videos in the middle during that period (so likeeee) . It has been quite hectic but I wanted to come back to SimpleKen when I truly missed it and wanted to come back to it! And boy it feels good to be back! I hope you guys have had a good few months in between. Whatever I experienced has come out nicely in this episode. We discuss a wide range of questions in this episode from making really hard career choices at a young age, being frustrated by the relationships (family) in your life and the pursuit of happiness. A lot of covered and a lot is shared.
Yay! I got married. It feels like a weight off my shoulder to not be so secretive about my private life anymore. I talk about tying the knot and also questions from you guys. From exam pressure, to moving on from relationships and perception of wealth, This episode has all of that!
It's a crime that we haven't called back my friend and legend Biswa. We have the most emotionally fuelled conversations in private that shooting one in front of camera is a no brainer. We talk about some of my favourite topics like profiting from art, authenticity, success and of-course why things are cringe. A very sarcastic, raw and chaotic episode of Simple ken. Hope you enjoy this long podcast!
Back with another episode where we got questions primarily from young teens. An age where you are super confused and begging for some clarity from the world and yourself. This episode marks moving back to Mumbai from Goa and the adjustment that followed. Finished up my honeymoon in Europe and back to making videos for my lovely audience. We cover topics such as expressing grief, dating young, career paths and just figuring what you love. Hope you enjoy the episode.
This is the second time I have brought in a group of comics together but with a connecting theme! Got my favourites from each season of Comicstaan. I realised I would love to see the three different perspectives from comedians who have had their lives permanently changed by the show. We also take in questions from the audience about best friends, talking to our parents while they share their personal anecdotes about the comedy scene in India and their own beliefs they had to get over.
It's not everyday you have Mumbai high court lawyers on your show. Aneesa & Ranjeev also happen to be my closest friends. Adding to the mix is a producer from Vice India, my good friend Aniket Dasgupta. This episode talks about how overwhelming understanding the law is, how ignorance of it isn't tolerated and what we can do to change our attitude towards it (or maybe we just pretend to). All of the guests (including me ) moved to Mumbai for our careers so there is a lot of millennial frustration of figuring out our lives while also getting used to the mega city that is Mumbai.
It brings me great pleasure to welcome you into my most hardcore-comedy-friendship group. The conversations I have with Rohan, Shreemayee (Weepli) and Kumar could be too intense for the novice comedy viewer. As four comics who enjoy sarcasm, self aware gossip and over the top generalisations, I couldn't hold my excitement for this one. We talk about how we deal with the over load of information we receive on a daily basis, the misuse of "emotional investment" and get into a classic Kumar Varun rant at the end about artist and social media.
In this solo episode, I share my biggest recent difficulty...Breaking up with friends! I also cover some recent life updates, the bubble of being single for too long and getting comfortable, the guilt of being somebodies child in India and how school goers are succumbing to serious mental health concerns.
Having Vir on SimpleKen was a long time coming. I picked his brain on how he navigated through the initial days of his career, his support in the industry , how he deals with the constant press chatter and how he plans his steps ahead. A career that involves television, movies, music and stand up, An hour of conversation didn't feel enough. It was a great way to bring the new year in with a brand new episode.
It's been 3 years! I had to celebrate this occasion (and Valentines Day) by bringing four experts on love, relationships and life for this episode. I was giddy with excitement to pick their brains on topics that I love over analysing. It's always a riot with 4 fine comedians. We got a collection of lovely questions from our audience including thoughts on cheating, parents, why we love and love languages. Hopefully you enjoy watching (or listening) to the 3 year anniversary episode of simpleton. Show your love in the comments and also on our BRAND NEW SIMPLE KEN Youtube page. Where we will be putting up excerpts of our favourite conversations from the podcast.
It's good to be back after so long. After touring America and Europe I was itching to do a Simpleken episode. I had spoken to Nirmal and Abishek that I was very keen to pick their brains about their journey so far. I love also exploring what makes two very creative minds gravitate towards each other. They spoke about how they work together, feeling alienation from the scene and what the future lies for them. Hope you enjoy watching this as much as I did.
I finally got Hoezay on an episode where we both opened up about subjects that are kinda hard to bring up. From family, careers and what are our goals. After being in the industry for so long, I nicely asked off questions that made Hoezay feel a little too old. Obviously getting so deep into subjects might have made him a bit awkward, but I navigated it using Farhan Akhtar's words from AI courtesy #sayitwithoreo
I learned the various aspects of friendship in this lovely conversation with Prashasti and Saurav. The way they support each other in ways that enable space, growth and also a chance to be vulnerable was so eye opening to me. Through out the episode I kept bringing up how envious I was of such a wonderful friendship. We also answered a lot of questions from the audience. A lot of laugh out loud moments in the episode with topics that are so specific to our lifestyle that I am so excited for all of you to watch it!
It brings me great pleasure to release the first episode of Simpleken in 2024 with my close friend Kanan Gill. It's exciting to announce his first published novel "Acts of God" that is on sale right now on Amazon: We talk about being trapped in blind spots, moisturising, recurring problems, self esteem, healthy relationship with work and suffering. As you can see, we covered a range of topics that most would call "alarming". Hope you enjoy this episode and hope you have a great new year ahead!
I have been a big admirer of Anirban's writing for a long time. It's a shame I haven't hung out with him as much as I want to. This episode I wanted to explore a topic we seldom talk about in this episode (And not seen in most other online conversations)...being a first time dad as a millennial. Obviously having a child is primarily a mothers journey but why not talk about the clueless man next to his partner watching and wondering what does a father do in 2024? This conversation was fun, lighthearted and also quite nerdy considering the detail we go into about performing stand up comedy across the globe.
I am very excited to introduce a new sub-format of Simpleken. Two types of people! This was inevitable cause having such funny friends leads to us playing a lot of games. So why not a comedic one? We have wonderful guests like @AakashGupta , @ShreejaChaturvedi and @shamikchakrabarti featuring in this one! A debate game where we choose a topic and defend it! We have topics from Outside food and Inside food to Relaxing holidays to an activity filled one! I don't want to spoil the rest! Hope you have fun watching it :)
Talking to Ankur Warikoo is exactly like experiencing his content online. He is on point, clear and very charismatic. You know him as a successful businessman and now a full time content creator who talks about finance, motivation and recently health! We covered topics ranging from our relationship with money, the differences we see in generations and why trust is important at work and in your personal relationships. Hope you enjoy this conversation and let me know what parts engaged you the most!
Another episode of Two types of people is here! A debate game we created to maximise the massive talented peeps I have access to! We have wonderful guests like @Kanangill , @ShreejaChaturvedi and @shamikchakrabarti featuring in this one! A debate game where we choose a topic and defend it! We have topics from Ghosts to Realists, Pre-internet vs Post Internet, Early Risers vs Night Owls! I don't want to spoil the rest! Hope you have fun watching it :)