The seniors from the Equestrian Club appoint Hachiken as the new vice-president against his will. Troubled about it, he later witnesses Mikagi crying after having a serious conversation with Komaba and can't stop worrying about them as well, even after they tell him to forget about it.
3학년들의 은퇴시기가 되자 승마부는 임원을 새로 뽑게 된다. 실력이 뛰어난 미카게가 부부장이 될 줄 알았던 하치켄은 자신이 부부장으로 지목되자 깜짝 놀라는데...
El segundo semestre de Hachiken está a punto de comenzar y ya es otoño en Hokkaido. En el club ecuestre, los mayores están por retirarse y Hachiken es nombrado nuevo vicepresidente.