19-year-old beautiful Shiratori Reiko is a self-professed ultimate princess. Despite her haughty attitude, she is actually a very late bloomer and knows nothing of the real world. Reiko has had feelings for Akimoto Tetsuya (Mizuno Masaru) from childhood, but her enormous pride always gets in the way and she cannot tell him in all honesty that she is in love with him. Tetsuya soon becomes a university student and Reiko follows him to Tokyo. But he is constantly at the mercy of her overly unique sensibilities. Then Tetsuya’s ex-girlfriend, a cute high school girl, the wealthy Yoshimoto Ryunosuke (Tamura Yukihisa) who has fallen in love at first sight with Reiko and Reiko’s rival Kakitsubata Ayame (Onishi Ayaka) appear before the two of them.
- Reiko Shiratori, I Presume!
美麗雍容、樂觀開朗的白鳥麗子(河北麻友子 飾)是出身於日本數一數二富豪家庭的千金大小姐,她從小在蜜罐中長大,在沾染上一些大小姐的壞脾氣同時,也有著舉世無雙的單純直率性格。高中時代,普通的男生秋本哲也(水野勝 飾)曾一度打動了白鳥麗子的芳心,因此為了這個命中注定的白馬王子,麗子不遠萬里從老家伊豆下田來到東京求學,只為追隨愛人的腳步。誰曾想水野周圍也有其他女孩子的存在,絕不服輸的麗子全身充滿幹勁,她以其特有的方法對哲也展開追求,在這一過程中爆笑的故事接連上演……