Despite being born as a son of a yakuza patriarch, Raizo lives a normal life. But when his father falls ill, conflict brews with the Horyu Clan.
Now the head of the Minobe Family, Raizo finds that his older brother Reiji has been released from prison and has ambitions to lead the family.
As the legendary Yakuza Takemitsu returns as an adviser to Raizo, the Horyu clan moves to form an alliance against the Minobe family's growing power.
The Minobe family finds itself on a collision course with the Suruga Kuromasa family, an organization that grew through unrestrained violence.
With the Minobe and Suruga Kuromasa families on the verge of an all-out war and Raizo in police custody, the Kanto Shido Mutsumi Alliance makes its move.
A deadly clash looms as the Kanto Alliance works behind the scenes and Kansai's Goda family sets its sights on a company Takemitsu wants to protect.
The up-and-coming Konoe family picks up where Goda left off, facing off with the Minobe family both on the streets and in financial maneuvering.
As internal strife tears apart the powerful Yamakura family and Raizo is caught in the resulting police crackdown, the Kanto Alliance moves quietly.