Ok this is my first weight loss vlog. I will try and do one everyday. Also I will only accept video responses that are about your weight loss.
Hi this was meant to be a fat loss video but we started to have to much fun and then the camera died at the very end when I was about to get serious. I will make another one tomorrow.
Drink it! I challenge everyone to drink a gallon of water a day. Dont pee your pants.
OK!!! So I have everyones link both YouTube and Blog Tv in the side bar. Check them ALL out and choose a team. Competition starts Friday October 24th 2008
Hey my secret weapon arrived a little late for the Ironman Challenge but good thing I didn't need it. O yea go ShayTards. Thanks for everyones support and help staying awake. This channel is going to be for everything. Not just weight loss. I AM excited for the juicer to help me in the weight loss journey though. I juiced 4 apples and it was suprisingly DELICIOUS!!
OK I am starting again. I am better at countdowns and deadlines than just making a slow life change. I need to be able to measure something and watch progress or I just stop doing it. So with my new scale and the YouTube live counter I hope I will watch BOTH numbers go down. I am going to get off my fat ASS and work out everyday and make smart food choices. I will keep you guys updated.
So I REALLY want to do more videos on this channel. Im going to try and bare down and do at least 3 to 4 a week. This is a real life situation where I am looking for something and I ask my wife to find it cause she knows where EVERYTHING is.
So I was going to suprise my wife with some new boots but she called me RIGHT after I bought them and told me that she had bought some also. Which pair do you like more?
OK Sorry this isn't that great we had a long day of travel and I promised a video a day. Hopefully a better one tomorrow.
Crazy night at the ShayTards house. This is closer to reality of day to day operations here. My daughter didn't actually say wanker it just sounded like she did.
HAHA! I tricked you. It was actually Kool Aid and Jelly Beans. Dont be silly I wouldn't actually drink that.
I make friends wherever I go!
Hey so I had to go buy a new snow shovel cause we think our neighboor stole ours. I just like to throw TONZ of salt on the ground but my wife says I have to shovel it first...Blah Blah Blah
This was a fun little trip to look at some lights and feel the Christmas Spirit. Happy Hanukkah!
So my wife was holding the lap top AND the flip cam. That is why it might be a little shaky.
So there are these 2 tag games going around on YouTube. This is my effort at doing both of them. Check out the creators of the tag games!!!
Ok, so I will make a video EVERY DAY! For the rest of this month OR I will delete my shaycarl account! HOLD ME TO IT! I really want to make more videos. I just worry too much about what people think. THAT IS WHY I am going to make a video every single day in the month of January 2009
Ok so this is day 2 of the video every day of the rest of this month promise. I only got 14 more days to go.
DOES ANYONE HAVE A STEAM CLEANER WE CAN BORROW?!?! So katilette and I were just finishing diner and watching The Office online when our son came up to inform us that there was "water on the floor" Upon further investigation we realized that after about 5 minutes of Him trying to stop the water from flowing onto the floor He gave up and came upstairs to tell us. But not before about 10 gallons spread all over the basement.
You guys thought I was going to forget didn't you? This is day 4! If you dont know what is going on...I promised to make a video everyday for the rest of the month of January.
I REALLY loved ALL of the events today. I feel very blessed to live in a free country and have the oppurtunity to witness history.
What are some of the ways that YOU build bridges?
So I take about 50 calls a night. If I answered the phone every time it rang I would take like 500! I like to mess with the callers just to entertain myself.
So this is day 8 of my promise to "make a video every day for the rest of the month" promise. I am at home alone this weekend with the 3 kids and dog. I hope we all survive. My wife has the patience of a holy, saintly angel. I have the patience of an ax murderer! YAY
So it is been 2 days 3 hours and 14 minutes since I have been home alone with 3 kids. But who is counting right?!?!??
I am a trained proffesional! DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME! (Try it somewhere else like a parking lot or open field)
It's just another manic Monday! Back to work. So when I came into the studio tonight a camera crew was here to get some footage of our radio station beacuase of a David Archuleta concert we are bringing to town. This is 5 crazy minutes of me filming my shaytards video them filming me and me doing Shay's trivia on the radio.
I do live shows from the studio on BlogTV on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9pm Eastern Click the link below yo!
Comment question? How often do you just ignore your cell phone when it rings?
NO CHEATING! Copy and Past is for Noobs... The answers will be revealed tomorrow!
I get this question all the time I hope this clears it up.
I have kinda missed doing these daily vlogs. Even though it has only been 2 days it has felt forever! I MISSED YOU GUYS!
I HATE credit cards. I recommend that EVERYONE should pay cash money! Remember the borrower is slave to the lender. Whenever I buy something and they ask me Credit or Debit? I never know what to say. Even though it says very clearly on my card DEBIT! I usually switch it up trying to determine which one will get me the hey out of there the fastest. Im going to say CREDEBIT from now on!
Has anyone ever Vlogged about being Flogged?
I will be 30 in 1 year from now. How cool would it be to have a daily video diary of the last year of my twenties?
THANK YOU SO MUCH TO EVERYONE WHO WISHED ME A HAPPY BIRTHDAY TODAY! It was seriously one of the best birthdays EVER! ALSO! I really wanted to say thank you for so much positive support on the video diary idea. Who knows where this thing will go? But the ride should be very interesting!
Im not diabetic.
It was REALLY windy today so we didn't get alot of shooting footage. Sorry the sound sucks so bad.
THANK YOU FOR WATCHING!!! Seriously I really appreciate each and every one of you for your support.
Do you guys read the info. in the side bar? You really should at least glance at it on any video you watch on YouTube. I can't tell you how many times someone has asked me a question and the answer was in the side bar. The side bar loves you....Wont you come visit him more often?
I don't know if I totally understand or believe in KARMA but I DEFFINATELY believe in "The Golden Rule" Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I think we ALL could use a little more of that.
This is just a discussion starter. Something to get the thought process going. I don't have all the answers to living a happy life. I just want to share with you guys some of the things that help me. I believe this life is all about progressing and becoming better in all aspects. It's pretty hard to do that when all you do is point fingers at other people. If there is something that you don't like about yourself then change it. That is called growth. What do you guys think about discussion Wednesday? What are some other topics you would want to cover?
What do you think the answer to Shay's trivia is? Do you think New Yorkers have a right to be PISSED about the fly over photo opp? Honestly Malachi usually does wait for me by the door. I thought it was hillarious that I gave this big spheel on it and then he wasn't there. Malachi is a doggy comedian. LOL
The clip at the first was a behind the scenes look at a new video I am working on for my shaycarl channel. It should be up in the first of June. You wanna know something funny? Even though in the video I tell at least 2 callers that crying is NOT the right answer, I bet we get at least 50 people that will guess crying in the comments. TOTAL NOOBS!
The flatulent sounding noise at 3:50 isn't my small intestine expressing himself. It is actually the vibration of the camera as I pressed it up against the window to get a better view. Unless you think it is just SO funny that I let one rip mid flight...then ummm yea thats what it was.
Sorry this was so short and lame. I am trying to figure out the new HD camera and editing software. I think I have realized what a total NOOB I am. I have alot to learn. I think the reason the quality sucks so bad is cause I compressed the video file from 260MB down to 40 and I converted it to an AVI from an MP4...We will figure it out sooner or later. Thank you for being patient.
I AM SOOO FRUSTRATED! I am slowly figuring the new camera and editing software out but if I didn't shoot this little video in the bathroom with the family I would'nt have gotten a video up today. I also had like 3 meetings today and had to get the van an oil change. PLUS I had to think up all these excuses. So ya know....
YAY! We made it to 100 days on the video diary. I am just kidding about stopping. We have made it this far we can't give up now. A sincere thank you for everyone that watches everyday. I feel like I owe you an apology LOL! I KNOW THE PICTURE QUALITY IS BAD. It usually takes YouTube about an hour to fully process the data. So just be patient.
Happy you can go outside of your house without worrying about getting shot or have a car bomb blow you up day! We went walking around the street blast MJ on Phils computer and dancing. The girl who did the moonwalk was just some random pedestrian who wanted to show off her dance moves for the SHYATARDS! WOOT!
I didn't export this in HD today cause I was in a big HURRY! It is a HUGE difference in time. When I do it in HD it takes about 3 hours to compress and upload. When I don't do it in HD it takes 30 minutes. That's a 2 and a half our difference PEOPLE! Anyways I try to do it in HD most days cause it looks and sounds better.
It took us about 4 hours to move everything into Phil's new place and I have to be honest with you. After we were done I was EXHAUSTED! We spent the rest of the night eating pizza and watching TV I fell asleep at 11:00pm which is prolly the earliest I have been to sleep in 6 months! SORRY we didn't film more. I WILL get back in the swing of things soon. You guys have no idea how much it means to me that you watch these videos!
The reason that I was SO frustrated is because the hospital KNEW that they could NOT fix a broken nose and yet they still did an X-RAY charging us $300 dollars. They COULD have said "Well if you have a broken nose or not we can't fix it, so you better just save yourself a step and go to specialist" BUT NO!!!!! Instead they took the X-rays and charged us the $300 to tell her that she had a broken nose!