Als Kramer der Komikerin Sally erzählt, dass sie nach Jerrys Meinung kein Talent habe, ahnt er nicht, was er damit auslöst: Denn Sally startet daraufhin einen Rachefeldzug gegen Jerry, der es in sich hat. Sie bringt ein Programm auf die Bühne, in dem sie Jerry scharf attackiert – und sie scheint tatsächlich eine ganze Menge Informationen über Jerry zu haben. Jerry und seine Freunde haben alle Hände voll zu tun, um die schlimmsten Auswirkungen von Sallys Attacken zu verhindern.
Kramer's brutal honesty gets Jerry in trouble with Susan's old college roommate, Sally Weaver. Elaine obsesses over the meaning of a cartoon that appears in The New Yorker. Elaine and later Kramer comments that George's new girlfriend looks a lot like Jerry. In fact Kramer says "just because they look-a-like, that doesn't mean you're (George) secretly in love with Jerry." Jerry confronts Kramer's frankness. Sally claims that Jerry has ruined her life, she's quitting the business, Jerry can't have that on his conscience, he talks her back into the business. Kramer makes an important life decision, the only way to keep his mouth shut, is to stop talking. Before he finally stops talking, Kramer's constant references to the looks of George's girlfriend, drives George out of Jerry's apartment. Elaine goes to The New Yorker to seek an explanation for the cartoon. Discovering that the editor didn't understand the cartoon either, he liked the kitty. Sally opens her new one woman show about "Jerry Seinfeld- the Devil." Elaine's complaint, gets her the opportunity to do her own cartoon for the magazine. Jerry confronts Sally about the content of her show. Newman is her biggest fan; finally, he can see a "show that is about something." Kramer discovers the disadvantages of not talking. George worries about why he really likes his girlfriend. A clip of Sally's show appears on channel 9 news, it features Jerry's latest confrontation with her. Elaine works all-night on her first cartoon, it is okay, but it is not the gem that Elaine thinks it is. Jerry calls Sally and the message he leaves on her answering machine appears in her show as well. Later the lawsuit he filed appears in her cable special. Jerry decides to cut off all communication with Sally. Elaine's first comic appears in The New Yorker. Peterman thinks it is a great cartoon, until he realizes it is a Ziggy and he can prove it -- "Quick Elaine, to my archives." George and his girlfriend discuss their relationship, unt
Elaine yrittää menestyä pilapiirtäjänä, ja Georgen uusi tyttöystävä näyttää samalta kuin Jerry.
Elaine devient obsédée par un cartoon. Kramer a l'idée de prononcer un vœu de silence. Quant à George, sa petite amie ressemble à Jerry.
איליין אובססיבית לגבי קריקטורה המתפרסמת בעיתון הניו יורקר, והיא נחושה להוכיח כי אין בה שום היגיון. בינתיים, ג'ורג' מבין שהוא נמצא בצרה מוזרה כאשר הוא שם לב שחברתו החדשה דומה לג'רי בצורה יוצאת דופן.
Kramer continua a mettersi nei guai con le sue esternazioni, e per questo decide un rimedio drastico: non parlerà più. Elaine si interroga sul significato di una vignetta del New Yorker. La questione diventa talmente ossessionante per lei, che decide di recarsi addirittura alla sede della rivista. George esce con una ragazza che somiglia proprio a Jerry.
Uma dura crítica de Jerry a uma atriz lança a sua carreira; uma banda desenhada enigmática inspira Elaine.
La sinceridad brutal de Kramer pone en un apuro a Jerry con la vieja compañera de colegio de Susan, Sally Weaver. Elaine está obsesionada por entender una viñeta del New Yorker. Elaine y Kramer piensan que la nueva novia de George se parece a Jerry.
Com sua honestidade, Kramer põe Jerry em confusão com a comediante Sally Weaver. Elaine está obcecada com uma “tirinha” que saiu no “New Yorker”. Elaine e Kramer comentam que a namorada de George se parece muito com Jerry. Kramer diz que o fato não significa que George seja apaixonado secretamente por Jerry. Sally afirma que Jerry arruinou sua vida. Kramer toma uma importante decisão, parar de falar. Elaine vai até o “New Yorker” e descobre que nem o editor entendeu a tal “tirinha”. A reclamação serve como oportunidade pra Elaine lançar seu próprio quadrinho. Sally volta á ativa e usa como material de trabalho as atitudes de Seinfeld com ela. George começa a se preocupar com a semelhança de sua namorada com o amigo. Jerry começa a ficar nervoso ao saber que Sally vai ganhar um programa de tv onde o assunto principal é sua briga com ela.
Točka Sally Weaver na temu Jerryja postane hit. Georgea njegova cura podsjeća na Jerryja. Strip u „New Yorkeru” zbunjuje Elaine. Kramer prestane govoriti.