近未来の日本を舞台に、時の内閣総理大臣に代わって日本を治める大統領を各世代の代表者で決める“SEDAI WARS”というバトルロイヤルを描く。主人公はゆとり世代の“SEDAI”に選ばれた出場者・柏木悟(山田裕貴)。日本をどの世代に委ねるのかを決める“SEDAI WARS”が開催され、柏木は各世代の思いが渦巻く戦いに参加していく。
In the near future Japan is on a decline as the economy keeps tanking. Every generation blames each other for this decline.
Prime Minister Naoki Ando declares that he would like politics to return to the people. He announces that representatives for each generation (Sedai) will be called upon to hold the first presidential event that will will be decided in an event called "Generational War"