The Playboy Bunny was the most famous sex symbol of the 20th century. Playboy hired the most attractive women in the world to don the ears and tail by promising an environment where they would always be protected. But outside of the clubs, at the Playboy Mansion itself, and in the company of Hefner's VIP customers, the Bunnies faced dangers and abuses that were covered up by the Playboy "cleanup crew."
Playboy a embauché les femmes les plus attirantes du monde et leur a promis d'évoluer dans un environnement protégé. Mais les Bunnies ont parfois été victimes d'abus perpétrés par les clients VIP du groupe. Des abus vite dissimulés par l'équipe de Hugh Hefner.
Playboy värvade sina "bunnies" med löfte om en skyddad miljö och gränslös berömmelse, men bortom klubbarna, i det mytomspunna Playboy-huset, konfronterades kvinnorna med faror och övergrepp som återkommande mörklades av Hugh Hefners eget "städgäng".