Yi Eon finds out Tae Seo was the fake physician who poisoned the Crown Prince to death. He wants to reveal that Park Seung was behind it but, Director Sim stops him as there is no point in arresting him when the King is on his side. Meanwhile, Jo Yi hesitates to hand over the gunpowder ledger to Yi Eon as she knows that her mother is involved.
Cuando el interrogatorio no permite comprometer a todos los responsables, Mal-jong hace una última solicitud. Le aconsejan a Yi-eon que abandone la investigación.
Ao perceber que o interrogatório não será suficiente para implicar todos os responsáveis, Mal-jong faz um último apelo. Yi-eon é aconselhado a arquivar o caso de vez.
Beim Verhör werden nicht alle Verantwortlichen zur Rechenschaft gezogen und Mal-jong unternimmt einen letzten Versuch. Yi-eon wird empfohlen, den ganzen Fall abzuweisen.