Jo Yi runs into Seung Yul, her childhood friend who became a successful lawyer in Hanyang. As they are catching up with each other at a tavern, Yi Eon stops by and sees them together. Meanwhile, after Tae Seo loses everything he worked for, he feels betrayed by his father. He plans to kill not only his father but the King as well.
El rey ordena la captura de Park Seung y sus aliados. Jo-yi pasa el mal trago de adaptarse a la vida en la ciudad, hasta que recibe la ayuda de un viejo amigo.
O rei ordena que Park Seung e seus aliados sejam punidos. Jo-yi enfrenta dificuldades para se adaptar à vida na cidade, até que um velho amigo aparece e oferece ajuda.
Der König ordnet die Verhaftung Park Seungs und seiner Verbündeten an. Jo-yi hat Probleme, sich an das Leben in der Stadt zu gewöhnen, bis ihr ein alter Freund hilft.