Yi Eon visits a relay station nearby to summon backup to suppress Tae Seo’s silver mine. However, he gets shocked after he sees the dead body of Seok Gi on the ground and figures out someone else is going after Tae Seo as well. Meanwhile, Bi Ryeong has no choice but to help Do Soo find Tae Seo’s mine, where he has set up poisonous traps.
Mientras revisa los registros de Tae-seo, Jo-yi descubre un símbolo que le resulta conocido. Yi-eon busca a un oficial insobornable.
Ao ver os registros comerciais de Tae-seo, Jo-yi reconhece um símbolo familiar. Yi-eon tenta encontrar um funcionário que não aceite ser subornado.
Beim Durchsuchen von Tae-seos Handelsdokumenten entdeckt Jo-yi ein vertrautes Symbol. Yi-eon sucht einen unbestechlichen Beamten.