All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 World of the Occult

    • December 17, 2018
    • Gaia

    We live in a world filled with occult symbols and the signs are all around us. Jordan Maxwell takes us on a journey through time and the human mind to reveal his understanding of the secrets behind many of the symbols we see in our world. From astrology to alchemy, free masonry and secret sciences, these emblems have emblazoned coins and flags in many ancient cultures, including Rome and Egypt. We still see these powerful images, which represent powerful civilizations, projecting the agenda of secret societies communicating their power to the world.

  • S01E02 Solar Worship

    • December 24, 2018
    • Gaia

    The sun has always held a prominent role in theology, religion and spirituality since the beginning of human civilization. Because of the many cultures that worshiped the sun and applied it to their own gods and religious practice solar worship may be the greatest story ever told. Jordan Maxwell discusses concerns that may be considered controversial to conventional religious doctrine. But it is important to understand how ancient cultures viewed the sun as it moves through the zodiac and the way they symbolized its powerful influence upon the world.

  • S01E03 Mazzaroth: Ordinances of Heaven

    • December 31, 2018
    • Gaia

    The destiny of humanity is best understood by knowing the ordinances of heaven, which are revealed through the signs of the zodiac. These are laws that govern the heavens and Earth. Jordan Maxwell brings forward several biblical passages referring to the zodiac as signs of the ages to come. He shows us various prominent religious symbols which reflect changes in the human condition as we moved from the age of Aries into Pisces and moving into Aquarius. What we come to understand, is the spiritual evolution of humanity as we progress through the great ages.

  • S01E04 Creating Man in Our Image

    • January 7, 2019
    • Gaia

    Who made who? Who made you? Popular interpretations of the bible tell us that god made man in his image. However, Jordan Maxwell brings forward translations of biblical texts which suggests something far different than what many people believe. What he shares may redefine the history of humanity and reveal our true place in the universe.

  • S01E05 Solomon's Temple & The Ark

    • January 14, 2019
    • Gaia

    The Ark of the Covenant and King Solomon’s Temple, two of the greatest mysteries of the ancient world, leaves many baffled when searching for proof of their existence. Jordan Maxwell brings forward revelations from his years of research into what happened to these lost icons of the biblical world. He explains why these symbols still hold such a powerful place in our psyche.

  • S01E06 Secret Legacy of Moses

    • January 21, 2019
    • Gaia

    What do the moon, volcanoes and magic mushrooms have in common? They all tie into the secret legacy of Moses. Jordan Maxwell traces the history of Moses from the early days of moon worship, through the ages of the zodiac, and how this figure of the law giver plays into modern society.

  • S01E07 Saturn and Secret Societies

    • January 28, 2019
    • Gaia

    Saturn has been one of the most dominant figures in occult history, major religions, and political powers since the earliest days of human civilization. Jordan Maxwell details many of the secrets of Saturn that have not been made known to the public. From the earliest of calendars to modern day secret societies and discoveries by NASA, the powerfully influential aspects of this mythological character become apparent.

  • S01E08 Secrets of the Dollar

    • January 31, 2019
    • Gaia

    Money does indeed have value, but it may not be what you think. Jordon Maxell discusses the origin of our money and secrets of the dollar. These are not just the esoteric symbols we all see, but the underlying intent encoded within each bill. He reveals that banking, as we know it, dates back to the days of the Knights Templar which carried through to the establishment of the New World and created the monetary system that we are now dependent upon.

  • S01E09 Incorporating America

    • February 11, 2019
    • Gaia

    What do pirates of the Caribbean have to do with the Federal Reserve? Jordan Maxwell shares information he has collected which suggests that the United States of America has been established as a federal corporation, and that we are all it assets. What he has found ties our current economic system with the old law of the sea and symbols used by the seafaring industries, including piracy. This includes the establishment of the Federal Reserve and the IRS.

  • S01E10 Dawn of a New Day

    • February 18, 2019
    • Gaia

    What does the phrase, “dawn of a new day,” really mean? Jordan Maxwell suggests that this is a coded phrase, used by secret societies, to convey their secret messages in plain sight. He delves into the origin of this phrase, exploring the occult significance of the sun and its rising. What he reveals may be the signs of an invisible empire rising up to guide the destiny of America as a conspiratorial apparatus of control.