Sean Bean begins his journey of discovery at Chatham in South East England, where a large group of history enthusiasts are rehearsing to take part in a huge re-enactment of the battle to mark its 200th anniversary in June 2015. From here he travels to Belgium to visit the site of the battle. He meets historian Professor Saul David, who describes how the British General Lord Wellington prepared to face the threat of his great adversary, the French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte.
In Waterloo Sean stands with historian Professor Saul David where the British and French infantry first clashed at Waterloo. He then travels to Yorkshire in England to explore the role played by cavalry at Waterloo. He meets cavalry experts Alan Larsen and David Blackmore who explain the roles played by light and heavy cavalry units. At the Royal Armouries in Leeds Sean sees examples of original cavalry sword used during the battle and discovers the training manual used to prepare horsemen for battle.