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Season 1

  • S01E01 Scream Clean

    • October 21, 2015
    • CBBC

    Luke's love for cutting corners gets him into serious trouble when a quick-fix solution to tidying his room, using some of Eefa's magic cleaning powder, ends up putting the whole of Scream Street in danger. Otto finds out about the magic powder and tries to steal it, but as Luke attempts to get it back there's a big spillage, meaning the vacuum cleaner is no longer just a machine but a living machine monster! Can it be stopped before it sucks up the entire town?

  • S01E02 The Haunted House

    • October 28, 2015
    • CBBC

    When a new house appears in Scream Street, Luke's curiosity gets his friends into serious trouble when the locks them in and seems to come alive! They end up stuck in the basement and when the room starts to rumble, it looks like our trio are about to become dinner - will they manage to get out alive?

  • S01E03 Lovestruck!

    • November 4, 2015
    • CBBC

    Resus gets Luella to concoct a spell to stop his parents arguing. But as Luella is still a trainee witch, she gets the potion wrong and soon the whole town is feeling the love. Mrs Negative even falls in love with one of the nastiest characters on Scream Street! How will Luella and Resus get out of this mess?

  • S01E04 Wolf Gang

    • November 11, 2015
    • CBBC

    After Luke falls behind on his music work at school, his parents get him a tutor. When his tutor turns out to be the ghost of Wolfgang van Mozhoven, who claims to be the world's greatest composer, Luke talks him into taking over his body and actually doing the performance exam for him. But it's not long before Luke regrets cheating and things start to backfire very badly.

  • S01E05 Resus Rocks

    • November 18, 2015
    • CBBC

    Resus's favourite band Brain Drain is in town, and when a rather unfortunate 'accident' results in the lead guitarist's head getting trapped down a drain, guitar-mad Resus steps in as a replacement. But fame soon goes to his head, and Resus begins to upset his friends. When trouble strikes, will his friends still be there for him?

  • S01E06 Zoo Of The Weird

    • November 25, 2015
    • CBBC

    Otto is dabbling in the black-market trade and selling expensive safari tickets to Scream Street. When zoo owner Carla Black comes to catch specimens for her zoo of the weird, she soon has her eye on the werewolf. Will Resus and Cleo be able to save Luke from being hunted down and taken back to the normal world?

  • S01E07 Mirror Mirror

    • December 2, 2015
    • CBBC

    Resus feels like he's the family embarrassment, and wishes he was the vampire his parents dreamed of. His parents are even taking down all the mirrors in the house because it's always awkward when relatives notice he has a reflection! Resus joins his friends one night in the graveyard, only to fall into a hidden crypt full of mirrors. His reflection offers to change everything - but Resus ends up trapped and his evil doppelganger sets out to make some big changes of his own.

  • S01E08 Banished

    • December 9, 2015
    • CBBC

    Otto plots to build himself a luxury home, which would mean forcing the Scream Street residents to live in tents. Luke finds out so Otto needs to think quickly to stop his secret spreading. When Luke goes wolf, the evil mayor sets Luke up as a terrible danger to his family and Luke decides to banish himself to the Underlands! Can his friends figure out Otto's plan in time to save Luke?

  • S01E09 Heartbreak Heist

    • December 14, 2015
    • CBBC

    When Otto learns that the Farr family treasure lies buried somewhere beneath Scream Street, he forces Cleo to help him find it - by holding her heart to ransom! Unfortunately, dim-witted Cleo's Dad has forgotten where the treasure is, so as everyone tries to find it, the situation becomes a race against time to save Cleo's heart.

  • S01E10 The Creepy Creeper

    • December 15, 2015
    • CBBC

    Luke never thinks about others and forgets to get his mum a birthday present. Knowing she is into gardening, he digs up a beautiful flower from the woods. The strange plant grows rapidly and begins to overtake the garden, trapping the Watsons. Luke and his friends must think fast before the plant takes over the whole town.

  • S01E11 The Brown Lagoon

    • December 16, 2015
    • CBBC

    Mr Watson is still terrified of the monsters in Scream Street, so Luke and Mrs Watson decide to take him on a get-away-from-it-all relaxing weekend camping. But things are far from peaceful as a rather terrifying monster emerges from the nearby lagoon. Luke goes wolf to protect his family but this time there is a very good reason why Luke shouldn't tear this monster limb from limb. Will Luke's friends be able to prevent this happening in time?

  • S01E12 Zombie Derby

    • December 17, 2015
    • CBBC

    Every year Scream Street stages a Zombie Derby, which involves the parents teaming up with their children to make homemade zombie go-karts for a race-off! But tensions rise when Luke teams up with Resus's dad and Resus with Luke's mum, whilst Otto is determined that his Dixon-driven kart will win at any cost. Can the boys overcome their differences, or will Otto take the crown?

  • S01E13 Mother of All Scares

    • December 19, 2015
    • CBBC

    Luke goes home to find Otto there and it turns out he has moved in! Why is he there and, more importantly, how will he get rid of him? It turns out that Otto fled Sneer Hall to escape a visiting relative with a bit of a temper, but when Luke brings her round to visit Otto so that the two can reconcile, things don't quite go to plan.

  • S01E14 Lost Looks

    • May 6, 2016
    • CBBC

    Luke goes home to find Otto there and it turns out he has moved in! Why is he there and, more importantly, how will he get rid of him? It turns out that Otto fled Sneer Hall to escape a visiting relative with a bit of a temper, but when Luke brings her round to visit Otto so that the two can reconcile, things don't quite go to plan.

  • S01E15 A Nightmare on Scream Street

    • May 13, 2016
    • CBBC

    Resus comes up with a solution to his nightmares but discovers not everything is as it appears, and you should always read the small print...

  • S01E16 The Bottomless Pit

    • May 20, 2016
    • CBBC

    Luke fails to take responsibility for his actions and causes a rubbish problem, which grows and grows until it brings a new type of monster to Scream Street...

  • S01E17 The Evil Ooze

    • May 27, 2016
    • CBBC

    A virus hits town and takes over, leaving Resus and Luella as the only two not to be infected. They attempt to find a cure and save Scream Street.

  • S01E18 Light Fingers

    • June 10, 2016
    • CBBC

    Otto is up to no good and is taking things that don't belong to him. The friends must stop him and return the possessions to their rightful owner.

  • S01E19 Homework from Hell

    • June 17, 2016
    • CBBC

    Luke is used to putting off his homework but the more he puts it off, the bigger the burden grows, until it turns into an unmanageable monster.

  • S01E20 The Curse of Eternal Youth

    • June 24, 2016
    • CBBC

    When Cleo utters an ancient Egyptian curse, time is stopped in Scream Street, releasing evil monster the Brain Catcher from the Underlands.

  • S01E21 Blood is Thicker than Water

    • July 1, 2016
    • CBBC

    Desperate to be a true vampire, Resus makes a wish at a wishing well, only to find out that the wishing well is evil and his parents are now normals! Can he reverse his wish before the Negatives are banished from Scream Street forever?

  • S01E22 Takeaway of Terror

    • July 8, 2016
    • CBBC

    When Luke gets a job at Otto Burger, the three friends slowly discover that the burgers are not all they seem, and the secret sauce does terrible things to customers.

  • S01E23 The Zombie Body Shop

    • July 15, 2016
    • CBBC

    Otto's latest moneymaking scheme consists of stealing zombie body parts and selling them back. It ends up with him and the gang being mobbed by angry zombies. Can they find a way to escape and stop the zombies from tearing them all limb from limb?

  • S01E24 King Niles

    • July 22, 2016
    • CBBC

    Cleo thinks her dad needs more authority and manages to turn two ushabti dolls back into his servants. The power-mad mummies convince Niles to take over the town! Can the gang magic them back into dolls before it's too late?

  • S01E25 Bad Blood

    • July 29, 2016
    • CBBC

    Grandfather Negative is in town and has very strong views on Resus not being a 'real vampire'. When Otto shuts off the blood supply to the town, it gives Resus and his cape the chance to save the day.

  • S01E26 Trick or Shriek

    • October 31, 2016
    • CBBC

    Luke finds out that Scream Street doesn't celebrate Halloween, and decides to introduce his friends to it. Unfortunately what start as innocent Halloween decorations end up as an army of man-eating pumpkins!

  • S01E27 Monsters of Rock

    • November 1, 2016
    • CBBC

    Screamapalooza, a battle of the bands, has taken over the town. Resus is eager to win, and enlists the help of Luella to get hold of one of Eefa's potions. He gets carried away and uses too much, and soon realises the potion has a dark side.

  • S01E28 The Beast Within

    • November 2, 2016
    • CBBC

    Luke is fed up with not being able to control who he is inside and tries to separate his inner wolf from his human self, but he soon realises they are better together than they are apart.

  • S01E29 Cry Wolf

    • November 3, 2016
    • CBBC

    Carla Black starts swapping Scream Street residents for robot versions of themselves. Resus is the only one that knows the truth, but will the others believe him before it's too late?

  • S01E30 The Uninvited

    • November 4, 2016
    • CBBC

    Luke throws a party, but doesn't invite Dixon, who decides to pump the Watson's house full of poltergeists! The uninvited guests take over, and carry Resus off. Can they be stopped before they throw him into the Underlands?

  • S01E31 The Grumpus

    • December 15, 2016
    • CBBC

    Luke is used to putting off his homework, but the more he puts it off, the bigger the burden grows. Until, eventually, his homework turns into an unmanageable monster.

  • S01E32 Body Swap

    • January 31, 2017
    • CBBC

    Resus gets his hands on the Hoop of Horus, and switches bodies with Eefa's bat. Chaos ensues when the hoop gets into the wrong hands. Can the gang get the hoop back before Resus is trapped in the wrong body forever?

  • S01E33 Gnome Sweet Gnome

    • January 31, 2017
    • CBBC

    Luke and Resus find an old map of Scream Street and start putting together the pieces of a sinister 3D puzzle, which turns out to be a garden gnome - but an evil one that has a wicked agenda.

  • S01E34 Tutan Kutie

    • February 1, 2017
    • CBBC

    Cleo is feeling lonely as the only 4,000-year-old Ancient Egyptian child in town, but that all changes when her ex-boyfriend Tutan Kutie turns up. But is he all that he seems?

  • S01E35 Bone Cruncher

    • February 2, 2017
    • CBBC

    A surfing competition with a difference comes to Scream Street - an air surfing competition! But the race is run by a sinister pirate. The gang all enter, not realising they may have just signed their lives away.

  • S01E36 Earworm!

    • February 6, 2017
    • CBBC

    In an attempt to ingratiate himself with Vein, Resus gets Luella to bring an earworm back to life - with potentially disastrous results.

  • S01E37 Goblin Gas

    • February 7, 2017
    • CBBC

    When Otto steals Scream Street's entire power supply, the kids attempt to harness an explosive form of alternative energy - goblin gas.

  • S01E38 Nightmare Neighbour

    • February 8, 2017
    • CBBC

    Luke's plan to make his room uninhabitable and move in next door with Resus backfires when a pack of vampire rats invades.

  • S01E39 Uncle Memphis

    • February 9, 2017
    • CBBC

    Cleo tries to smarten Niles up and ends up replacing his bandages with those of his evil brother Uncle Memphis, who always thought he should have been the pharaoh instead of Niles. Memphis plans to take over Niles's body forever.

  • S01E40 Friendly Neighbourhood Werewolf

    • October 23, 2017
    • CBBC

    Eefa casts a spell to save Luke from being evicted from Scream Street but accidentally freezes him mid-change and he is stuck as a friendly werewolf.

  • S01E41 Brian Brain

    • October 23, 2017
    • CBBC

    Comedian Brian Brain hosts an evening for all of the Scream Street residents and manages to hypnotise everyone, except Luke. When a number of expensive items go missing, can Luke find out who's really behind the thefts?

  • S01E42 You Read My Mind

    • October 24, 2017
    • CBBC

    Luke secretly uses Eefa's new mind-reading potion to help him get top marks in his test. But the side effects of the potion leave Luke wishing he hadn't. Will Luke be able to find the antidote in time?

  • S01E43 Game of Screams

    • October 25, 2017
    • CBBC

    In an abandoned toy shop, Luke and his friends discover a spooky board game. But this is no ordinary game, it has a mind of its own and will do anything to make sure they never escape.

  • S01E44 Summer Sucks!

    • October 26, 2017
    • CBBC

    Resus would do anything to be a proper vampire, but messing with nature always has consequences, which Resus discovers when he becomes the wrong kind of bloodsucker!

  • S01E45 The Plague

    • October 27, 2017
    • CBBC

    To avoid failing a test Cleo unleashes plagues over Scream Street, not realising how bad they would be - she is now desperate to stop them! Can she enlist the help of Luke and Resus before they ruin the entire town?

  • S01E46 The Dread Shoes

    • October 30, 2017
    • CBBC

    It's the Scream Street dance competition and everyone pairs up in the hope of winning the trophy. Otto desperately wants to win and will do whatever is necessary to get his hands on the silverware.

  • S01E47 Grampy Vampy

    • October 31, 2017
    • CBBC

    When Resus' grandfather, Grampy Vampy, gets locked in Dr Skully's confiscation cupboard, Luella uses a portal spell to get him back. But he's not the only thing that comes through the portal.

  • S01E48 Resus Goes Viral

    • October 31, 2017
    • CBBC

    Resus uses a virus to rid his friends of their monster abilities so he can win sports day for once, but the virus has terrible consequences! Can Resus save the town before there are no monsters left in Scream Street?

  • S01E49 A Letter from the Underlands

    • November 1, 2017
    • CBBC

    When Resus gets a letter from his new pen pal in the Underlands, Luke and Cleo are suspicious. They know the Brain Catcher is trying to escape the Underlands again - so are these two things connected?

  • S01E50 Wheels of Death

    • November 2, 2017
    • CBBC

    When Luke's skateboard lands in goo from the Underlands, it develops a thoroughly evil mind of its own! But it seems it's not the only thing to be affected. Can Luke and the others stop the goo turning all objects evil?

  • S01E51 Lucky Penny

    • November 3, 2017
    • CBBC

    A lucky leprechaun head brings Luke all the luck he needs, but at a cost - everyone else now has bad luck! Luke must put everything right or he will be cast out from Scream Street.

Season 2

  • S02E01 Monsterball

    • October 26, 2020

    Luke is brilliant at Monsterball, but he meets his match in the shape of new arrival Six.

  • S02E02 Vanity Calamity

    • October 27, 2020

    The ‘miracle facemasks’ from Otto’s Spa have a truly horrifying effect on the residents.

  • S02E03 Endless Summer

    • October 28, 2020

    When trainee witch Luella loses Cleo’s pet cat, she tries casting a ‘turn back time’ spell.

  • S02E04 The Toothfairy

    • October 29, 2020

    A spell to turn Resus into a real vampire requires the dust from a tooth fairy, but this being Scream Street, all the tooth fairies are 100 per cent lethal.

  • S02E05 Double Trouble

    • October 30, 2020

    Luke uses Otto’s matter-duplicating machine to create a second Luke.

  • S02E06 The Scream of Music

    • October 22, 2021

    Resus tracks down a new lead singer for Brain Drain, his favourite band, but it turns out she is harbouring a dark secret.

  • S02E07 Bad Scare Day

    • October 22, 2021

    Dr F and the Screamiverse - Part One

  • S02E08 The Screamworm

    • October 22, 2021

    When Luke goes werewolf and badly injures Cleo, he and Resus need to find a cure and fast, which means tracking down a giant Screamworm.

  • S02E09 Sofa So Bad

    • October 22, 2021

    Cleo’s dad buys a sofa from ‘Otto’s Sofa Superstore’ which turns out to be part of an interconnected fabric Netherworld and a sinister burglar’s plan.

  • S02E10 The Return of Wolfgang

    • October 22, 2021

    When Luke’s old nemesis, the phantom Composer Wolfgang returns to town, people start turning into see-through phantoms, and Luke is sure he knows who’s to blame.

  • S02E11 Shape Shifter

    • October 22, 2021

    Cleo gets fed up with Dixon’s shape-shifting pranks and uses one of Dr F’s devices to remove his powers, with terrible consequences.

  • S02E12 The Noisy Place - Part One

    • October 22, 2021

    When Scream Street gets a new librarian, the town is taken over by monstrous spiders that can only repelled by noise.

  • S02E13 The Noisy Place - Part Two

    • October 22, 2021

    Scream Street is overrun with spiders and only Cleo is left to save the day, but to do so she must overcome her extreme arachnophobia.

  • S02E14 Cabin in the Woods

    • October 22, 2021

    Luella is furious when her camping trip with BFF Cleo is gatecrashed by Six, but she has bigger problems when Cleo mysteriously goes missing.

  • S02E15 The Mummies Curse

    • October 22, 2021

    When Niles starts dating Otto’s mum, Cleo uses a curse from the ‘Book of the Dead’ to try and split them up, with disastrous consequences.

  • S02E16 The Greatest Vampire

    • October 22, 2021

    Resus is asked to star in a movie by a director who has a sinister motive for casting him.

  • S02E17 Dont Forget Your Head

    • October 22, 2021

    Desperate to be one of the gang, Dixon gets hold of a device that makes everyone lose their memories, and ends up putting the whole town in terrible danger.

  • S02E18 Zombie Smash-Fest

    • October 22, 2021

    When the town residents become addicted to hit new computer game Zombie Smash-Fest, only Resus can snap them out of it.

  • S02E19 Toy Scary - Part One

    • October 22, 2021

    Luke regrets throwing his old toys away when they come to life and seek their revenge.

  • S02E20 Toy Scary - Part Two

    • October 22, 2021

    Luke has to rely on the help of his old toys to save Cleo and Resus.

  • S02E21 The Witching Hour

    • October 22, 2021

    Luella falls out with Eefa and gets back in touch with her mother Dahlia, the celebrity witch, who turns out to have a wicked plan.

  • S02E22 The Green-Eyed Monster

    • October 22, 2021

    Resus takes a beautiful ancient Egyptian jewel from the pyramid’s basement, but it turns out to have evil powers.

  • S02E23 Fright Mike

    • October 22, 2021

    Luke’s embarrassing father turns into a brave Middle Ages adventurer, who turns out to be hiding a terrible secret.

  • S02E24 The Bones of Destiny

    • October 22, 2021

    Trainee witch Luella seeks out some powerful bones that can predict her future, and ends up reuniting the skeleton of crazed fortune teller Vostradamus.

  • S02E25 Dr F and the Screamiverse - Part One

    • October 22, 2021

    Season Finale in which Dr F finally reveals her true plans for Six – she has been specially designed as a weapon to defeat a terrible monster.

  • S02E26 Dr F and the Screamiverse - Part Two

    • October 22, 2021

    The Season Finale concludes, with the gang travelling through parallel universes on the run from the ‘Destroyer of Worlds’.