After picking up a treat from the farmers market, Scout sends The Gumboot Kids to a meadow that's abuzz with activity.
Scout sends The Gumboot Kids to the beach to investigate the disappearance of a sandcastle.
Scout sends the Gumboot Kids to a barnyard to find an animal with hooves and horns. But where's the four legged kid?
Scout gives the Gumboot Kids three clues to help them find a tasty treat hiding in the vegetable garden.
The Gumboot Kids have to work together while investigating how a polkadot gardener helps a garden grow.
The Gumboot Kids help Scout investigate what caused his sketches to scatter all over the floor.
Scout sends the Gumboot Kids to the forest to investigate what could turn a rock into a soft, comfy seat.
With Scout's help, the Gumboot Kids follow a slimy trail that leads them to a tiny moving house.
Scout sends the Gumboot Kids out to investigate how rain and sunshine can make an upside down smile.
Scout gives the Gumboot Kids three clues to help them discover how one of our feathered friends keeps dry in the rain.
While out on a walk, Scout notices an abandoned home in the woods. But why would anyone abandon such a cozy home? As Scout and the Gumboot Kids work on this mystery, they soon discover that homes come in many shapes and sizes.
After visiting a friend down the lane, Scout sends the Gumboot Kids to a farm to find an animal with a strange appetite for rocks. But why would an animal want to eat rocks?
Scout spends his morning with a furry friend he calls "A Quiet Digger." What could that be? The Gumboot Kids will have to dig into this mystery together to find the answer.
While on his morning walk, Scout discovers a mysterious jelly with spots. What could it be? The Gumboot Kids will have to search both land and water to find the answer to this mystery.
While working in his garden, Scout informs the Gumboot Kids that he's found buried treasure. But what kind of buried treasure? The Gumboot Kids will have to dig deep to find the answer to this mystery!
After planting his veggie seeds, Scout needs the help of some wiggly workers to make them grow. But who are these wiggly workers and what are they doing in Scout's garden? The Gumboot Kids will have to search high and low to solve this mystery.
While walking on the beach, Scout discovers a creature that walks sideways. What could that be? The Gumboot Kids will soon learn that there are many ways to walk and even more things that make each one of us special.
While swimming, Scout discovers an underwater forest. But how can a forest grow under water? The Gumboot Kids follow Scout's clues to answer that question and soon learn that all of nature is connected.
Scout notices that he has a twin following him on his walk. But how could this be? After putting the clues together, the Gumboot Kids discover that they all have twins too who follow them everywhere they go!
After noticing his fingers have turned purple, Scout sends the Gumboot Kids to find out why. They will have to use more than just their eyes to solve this mystery and discover the joys of gathering food with friends and family.
Scout visits a classical Chinese garden and notices a mysterious underwater painting. The Gumboot Kids set out to solve this mystery and soon learn that we're not the only ones that love to paint; nature has a way of creating beauty in surprising ways.
Scout goes for a walk in the rain and notices a big old tree that cries. But do trees cry? The Gumboot Kids put the clues together and learn that it's okay to feel what we feel, even sadness.
While at the beach, Scout spies something very peculiar: a fish that isn't a fish! How can a fish not be a fish? The Gumboot Kids have their work cut out for them but soon discover that things aren't always what they appear.
While watering his garden, Scout says that he always waters his bird feeder to help it grow big and tall. But how can a bird feeder grow? It's up to the Gumboot Kids to solve this mystery.
While out for his morning stroll, Scout nearly walks into something hanging overhead that catches food. What hangs overhead and catches food? With three clues in hand, the Gumboot Kids head down the lane to solve this mystery.
After misplacing his book, Scout is reminded of a creature that finds things using only his nose. Where would we find a creature like that? Luckily for Scout, the Gumboot Kids are on the case!
While out walking, Scout notices a strange smell in the air. Where could it have come from and why does it smell so stinky? With three clues in hand, the Gumboot Kids set out to find the answer!
When Scout misplaces his caterpillar friend, the Gumboot Kids set out to find him again. They soon learn that creatures have magical ways of changing themselves and that we all change a little every day.
While on his morning walk, Scout discovers a mysterious crunchy carpet on the ground. But what kind of carpet would be out in nature? It's up to The Gumboot Kids to solve this crunchy mystery!
While picking fruit in his garden, Scout is reminded about a giant fruit that can weigh more than a horse! But what fruit could ever be that big? The Gumboot Kids will have to work together if they're ever going to solve this giant-sized mystery.
After Scout is bumped on the head by some unknown falling food, he needs the Gumboot Kids to find out what on earth it could have been. With three clues in hand, they'll need to search high and low to figure this one out.
While admiring roses in the orchard, Scout notices another rose plant that grows fruit. What kind of fruit comes from roses? The Gumboot Kids are on the case and will soon learn that some foods are a treat for all senses.
While at the pond, Scout sees a strange tiptoeing shield. But what type of shield tiptoes and what is it doing down by the pond? Only The Gumboot Kids can put the clues together to solve this tricky mystery.
After visiting friends at a nature trail, Scout tells The Gumboot Kids that one of his friends has the softest nose he's ever felt. But who could this friend be? The Gumboot Kids are on the case!
While having a tea party, Scout wonders how old his Great Grandmother's teapot is. He is reminded of something he saw on his walk earlier: a wooden timekeeper. But how can wood keep time? The Gumboot Kids are ready to find out!
While out on his walk, Scout discovers a stick that walks all by itself. But how can a stick walk by itself? With three clues in hand, The Gumboot Kids set out to solve the mystery and discover that some animals have a special skill of hiding themselves.
When Scout is out for a stroll he notices a busy builder creating a lodge of out wood. Who is this busy builder? The Gumboot Kids are ready to answer that question. They learn that being busy and focused is important but that we all need to listen to our bodies and take care of ourselves as well.
While out on his walk, Scout hears a mysterious copycat repeating everything back to him. But when he looks around, there is no one in sight! Who could this mysterious invisible copycat be? Lucky for Scout, The Gumboot Kids are up to the task and set out with 3 clues to solve the mystery.
While out with his friend, Scout notices something peculiar: his friend has shrunk! But how can a friend shrink? With 3 clues to help them, The Gumboot Kids journey through a winter wonderland determined to solve The Case of the Shrinking Friend!
As Scout prepares for story time, he tells the Gumboot Kids that tonight's story will be a storybook in the sky. But how can a storybook be in the sky? The Gumboot Kids are determined to answer that question and set out for a nighttime adventure of the imagination.
While out on a walk, Scout discovers a rock that is see-through. But how can rocks be see-through? As Scout and the Gumboot Kids work on this mystery, they discover that rocks can come in different colours.
After a long walk, Scout is grateful for his warm sweater! But where did it come from? The Gumboot Kids use several different senses to find the friendly sweater-maker.
After receiving a gift from a friend, Scout sends the Gumboot Kids to a field to find a plant that gives gifts. But how can a plant give gifts?
While on his morning walk, Scout discovers an animal bathing in the dust. What could it be? The Gumboot Kids venture into a range to find the dusty bathers.
In some places, it is very hot and dry. Scout finds a prickly plant. What is it? The Gumboot Kids travel to a desert to solve this mystery.
Scout is woken up from his nap by a knocking neighbour. What could it be? The Gumboot Kids will have to look closely at the trees in the forest to find the answer.
Scout meets a creature that spits when it's mad and hums when it's happy! What kind of animal could this happy hummer be? The Gumboot Kids will soon learn that there are many ways this creature can express itself and that it is important to communicate how each of us feel.
Scout has a sweet treat prepared for Daisy. He got it from the sugary tree. But how can a tree be sugary? The Gumboot Kids follow Scout's clues to answer that question and savour the journey of discovery.
While in a valley, Scout unearths a story rock and sends the Gumboot Kids to figure out what it is. After putting the clues together, the Gumboot Kids discover that nature has marvellous stories to share if they're willing to dig for it!
After discovering some lucky glitter, Scout sends the Gumboot Kids to find out what it is. They will have to use diligence and perseverance if they are going to find the reward they seek on this adventure.
Scout finds a plant that makes him feel calm. The Gumboot Kids set out to find this soothing shrub and soon learn that nature has a way of helping us through our sense of smell.
Scout and Daisy's picnic gets interrupted by a swooping sandwich-snatcher. What could have snatched their food? The Gumboot Kids set out to find the answer and learn a few things about feeding animals along the way!
Scout comes back from a farm after meeting a mooing milkshake maker. What is it? The Gumboot Kids put the clues together and learn that these milkshake-makers are unique, just like them.
While on a nature walk, Scout discovers an upstream swimmer. Armed with three clues, the Gumboot Kids go searching for this inspiring animal.
While walking along the beach, Scout hears what sounds like the ocean singing. How could the ocean be singing? The Gumboot Kids must get on a boat to solve this mystery!
While on a walk, Scout comes across magical mud. He sends the Gumboot Kids on an adventure to find this mud and the Gumboot Kids discover how creative they can be when they don't have to worry about getting dirty.
Scout sees a cracking sky. With three clues, the Gumboot Kids look for the source of this mysterious flash in the sky.
Scout sends the Gumboot Kids onto a boat to look for the blissful back swimmers. The ocean is so big! Where do they go to find a creature like that? Luckily for the Gumboot Kids, Scout knows just where to find it!
While exploring in nature, Scout discovers an underground river! But how can a river run underground? The Gumboot Kids will have to bring their flashlights if they are going to solve this mystery.
Scout sends the Gumboot Kids to find the masked mischief maker. What could it be? They soon learn that creatures sometimes do things that bother us, but often, are just trying to feed their families.