Ein Drachen-Roboter versetzt die Bewohner des Städtchens Crystal Cove in Angst und Schrecken. Der Drache scheint auf der Suche nach etwas Bestimmten zu sein. Es dauert nicht lange, da erfahren die jungen Ermittler, dass der Roboter für Dr. Zin arbeitet – Dr. Quests Erzfeind. Zum Glück erhalten Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy und Scooby unerwartet tatkräftige Unterstützung.
Five years ago, a gigantic dragon robot attacks the Quest Industries, then promptly vanishes, leaving the security guard's dog unconscious; Dr. Benton Quest works to revive the dog. In the present day, the same robot attacks the gang at city hall as they begin their investigation into the purpose of the Planispheric Disk; however, the gang is saved by Blue Falcon and Dynomutt, who explain that they have been tracking the robot for years. Velma rudely tells the heroes that Crystal Cove is their turf, and Blue Falcon offers the gang to tag along. Together, they find that Quest Industries has been sold to Destroido. Upon investigation, the dragon-robot attacks, intending to kidnap Dynomutt, only to make off with Scooby-Doo instead. Using a tracking device located on Falcon's belt, the gang and Dynomutt are able to locate Dr. Zin's lair and save their friends.
L'usine de Monsieur E est la cible d'un mystérieux dragon télécommandé par l'infâme Zin. Celui-ci est à la poursuite de la pile Quest X, qui est censée produire une énergie illimitée, mais elle a été dissimulée dans un endroit surprenant...
גיבור על בשם פלקון הכחול, והכלב שלו: דיינמוט, מגיעים לקריסטל קוב כדי לעצור דרקון ענקי שתוקף את העיר. סקובי וחבריו עוזרים לו לפתור את התעלומה.
Il mitico Blue Falcon e il suo fido assistente Cane prodigio partecipano con la gang alla risoluzione dell'ennesimo mistero.
Dinamite e Falcão Azul unem-se ao grupo da Mistério S.A para desvendar o mistério de um terrível dragão robô que está a assustar a Enseada do Cristal.
Dinamite e Falcão Azul se unem à turma da Mistério S.A. para descobrir o que está por trás de um terrível dragão-robô que aterroriza Baía Cristal.