Eigentlich sollte es ein schöner gemeinsamer Ausflug werden, doch beim Skifahren werden Fred und die anderen plötzlich von einer Lawine überrascht. Unterschlupf finden die Freunde zum Glück in einer alten Bibliothek. Doch es dauert nicht lange, da sehen sie dort überall Monster und bald müssen sie sich die Frage stellen, ob die das Geisterhaus wieder lebend verlassen werden?
A family vacationing in the Burlington Library (the same family which was vacationing in the "The Creeping Creatures") is attacked by a wolf creature and scared off. Later, a landslide forces the gang to abandon their ski vacation and detours them to the same library, where they are greeted by its caretaker, Dan Fluunk, who explains to the gang the history behind the mansion, including that its builder and namesake had a fascination with groups of four people and an animal. Soon, strange things begin happening to the gang as their stay in the mansion progresses. Eventually, their experiences are revealed to be hallucinations brought on by burning of a special kind of wood. Meanwhile, Cassidy Williams continues her search for the truth behind why what is happening to the gang now has happened to other gangs in the past -- including the Darrow family.
Notre équipe se rend dans une bibliothèque étrange où des monstres effrayants apparaissent et disparaissent dans chaque pièce.
תאגיד המיסתורין יוצאים סוף סוף לחופשת סקי, אבל גם שם הם מוצאים תעלומה אותה הם יצטרכו לפתור.
Una famiglia in vacanza nella Burlington Library viene attaccata da una creatura lupo. Più tardi, una frana costringe la gang ad abbandonare la loro vacanza sugli sci e li devia nella stessa biblioteca, dove vengono accolti dal suo custode, Dan Fluunk, che spiega alla banda la storia dietro la villa.
Numa viagem de esqui, o grupo da Mistério S.A. desvia-se de uma grande avalanche e tem de pernoitar numa biblioteca assustadora.
Em uma viagem de esqui, a turma da Mistério S.A. é atingida por uma grande avalanche e precisa passar a noite em uma biblioteca antiga e assustadora.