Minghui meets up with Ruoxi. Ruoxi realizes at last that, under a predestination paradox of time travels, of everything that happening due to her telling Yinsi to be wary of Yinzhen long ago, thus the future was never going to change by her actions but inadvertently she's shaping the future outcome of history as it is going to be written. Yinxiang finds Ruoxi on Yinzhen's orders. A depressed Ruoxi confesses that everything is her fault. She collapses and has a miscarriage. The imperial doctor tells Yinzhen that Ruoxi will never be able to bear children again. An angered Yinzhen orders Yinsi to divorce his wife. Yinsi refuses, to which Yinzhen replies that should he disobey orders, then his entire family will have to pay with their lives.
若曦找到九阿哥,问他对玉檀的死可有愧疚,九阿哥说玉檀既认他做主子,就是牺牲也死得其所。老九心中愤懑,又连同八阿哥一起被皇上训斥,问八阿哥为何一直退让,大家都要被他步步逼死。 四阿哥想早日册封若曦,如今她有了身孕,不能任由孩子将来被人取笑,若曦求他放她出宫,四阿哥断然拒绝,声称永远不会让若曦离开他身边。 明慧突然到宫中来寻若曦,告诉她当年八阿哥之所以把茅头指向四阿哥,全因为若曦的一句提点。若曦这才恍然,一切的纷争、每个人的苦难、眼前可怕的结果,都是在她推动之下,才走到今天,也许她才是这场历史悲剧的始作俑者!若不是她,也许当年十三阿哥就不会被幽禁,绿芜也不会跟十三走到一起,也不会最后白白牺牲。若曦在宫中那么多年步步小心,却没想到这些年兄弟之间的争斗,均只是当时她对八阿哥说出的那一串名单!若曦因情绪崩溃而流产,太医诊治后说她以后永远也不能怀孕,四阿哥得知后震怒,下旨令八阿哥休了明慧。