Yinzhen became the new Emperor of China right after his father's death. All the other princes went into a bitter fight, strongly believing that it is not their late father's will. In fact, the late Kangxi Emperor had written in his will that the 14th Prince Yinti would ascend the throne after his death. Yinzhen then secretly hired officials to alter his father's will, such that it was he who would ascend the throne. Yinzhen and Yinti's mother is suspicious and berates him for plotting against his own brother.
皇上感染风寒,身体一日不如一日,心中暗自在思量未来储君的继承者,四阿哥和十四阿哥成为最后的人选,但众人都感觉十四阿哥的胜算更大,皇上已经准备召十四回京…… 千古一帝终于要走到了生命的尽头,四阿哥知晓此时是他最后的机会,即刻入宫,殿前伺候的大臣隆科多说,皇上正准备拟好诏书欲传位于四阿哥,就已经昏厥,此刻四阿哥出现在宫中,众人都向其跪拜,四阿哥就此作为新皇继承大统。他即位后的第一件事,就是将在场所有人各自拘禁,不许任何人私自通传消息…… 新皇尚未正式登基,朝中局势不稳,八、九、十三位阿哥不服,在朝堂质问四阿哥说其假传圣旨,此时年羹尧带重兵赶到拥立四阿哥,众阿哥知大势已去,十四阿哥又不能在短期内赶回京城,只能虚与委蛇,跪拜在地。 四阿哥的亲生母亲德妃也认为其是假传圣旨才得到皇位,说自己断然不会承认他,四阿哥悲愤离去。七日后,四阿哥正式登基,接若曦回宫,她也终于见到了被羁押十年的十三阿哥,一时间百感交集。