With a heat wave in the city, Jason and Maggie resort to lying in front of the air conditioner and watching movies all weekend, including "Trapped in a Box," their favourite Gary Busey movie...or is that a Nick Nolte film? Just as they turn to search engines to settle the argument, the power cuts out. There’s a blackout in the city and no IMDb to decide who’s right. Meanwhile, Mark has six months’ worth of frozen food from his favourite bulk store, and turns to his neighbours for ice to help salvage the defrosted meat in the middle of the blackout, but he quickly discovers that no good deed goes unpunished.
The annual trivia championships returns to the local bar, and Jason is determined to win the trophy this year. With Maggie and Mark, his team is the perfect trifecta of trivial knowledge... But neither Maggie nor Mark have any interest in playing. Mark is too busy with his new sex buddy, Shannon, who works for one of the top marketing firms in the city and Maggie wants in. Maggie insists that Mark get to know Shannon well, so she can get her own foot in the door. Helping Maggie out immediately backfires on Mark, and he gets sucked into a full-on relationship with Shannon, but with none of the sex. Maggie may want the internship Shannon has to offer, but at the cost of Mark’s happiness? Meanwhile, with Maggie and Mark both preoccupied with Shannon, Jason is forced to recruit new trivia partners, Simon and Bea, in an attempt to take home the coveted trophy.
Jason runs into a college friend who has since dropped out of school, which brings him to question his own life path. After looking at his vision board, the only plausible thing left to achieve is to perform music live. Never having heard his music, Maggie signs him up for open mic night at the bar, but then quickly regrets her decision. Meanwhile, Mark is stuck in a dry spell, unable to pick up a girl to save his life. With Jason off the market, Maggie suggests Mark get a new wingman – like Simon. But Mark quickly learns that Simon knows nothing about women.