Feeling a bit isolated in school, Sasami gets Kagami to be friends with her in order to attract more friends. However, Kagami doesn't seem particularly interested since most of Sasami's suggested activities are unneccessary for her as a robot. Later that night, Sasami finds Kagami in a bloodied state, though she still refuses to be open with her. She becomes upset when she sees Kagami allegedly making some other friends, but cheers up after spending some time playing with Tama, who assures her that Kagami appreciates her friendship. Sasami soon comes to realise that the Myriad Gods are attacking Kagami out of jealousy for being chosen by Sasami to be her friend. After catching up to Kagami after she destroying all the gods inhabiting the school, she learns the girls she saw Kagami hang out were possessed by gods which she purified.
Sasami retrouve enfin une vie normale, et va au lycée comme toutes les jeunes filles de son âge. Hélas, elle doit rattraper le retard dû à son ancien mode de vie, et elle désire se faire des amies au plus vite. La première personne vers qui elle se tourne n'est autre que Kagami, qu'elle connaît déjà. Cependant cette dernière a un comportement étrange envers Sasami, comme si elle ne souhaitait pas se lier d'amitié avec elle...