Ritsuko witnessed the father hunting of Ryuhei Matsufuji and his fellow high school students. Since then, Ritsuko has been harassed by Ryuhei and his friends. And Eri who was with Ritsuko gets into trouble and gets injured. Ritsuko, who has exceeded the limit of patience, consults with the detective about Ryuhei, but the detective does not try to deal with it properly. Yamada is worried about Ritsuko being threatened. The monkey who knew the situation was furious to arrest Ryuhei. However, Ryuhei is the son of a deputy, and his father has a good face with the police, so the police can't afford it either. After this, Ritsuko was guided by high school students to Ryuhei's hideout. The monkey senses that Ritsuko went to Ritsuko to get a button, and heads for Yamada, Yamamoto and Hideto.
我慢の限界を超えたリツコは龍平らの事を刑事に相談するが、刑事はきちんと取り合おうとしない。山田は脅しを受けているリツコを心配。事情を知ったサルは龍平を逮捕しろと激怒。だが龍平は代議士の息子で、父親は警察に顔が利くため、警察も手が出せないのだ。この後、リツコは高校生らに案内されて龍平のアジトへ。 サルはリツコが龍平らにケリをつけに行ったと察知し、山田、山本とアジトへ向かうが…。