A monkey who is asked to exchange locks by a female teacher with big breasts, Matsunaga and a beautiful high school girl, and the excitement cannot be suppressed. A monkey who visited a dream paradise, a girls' high school with her bad friend Yamamoto, confirmed the key to the basketball club room. No matter how many times the key is exchanged, it will be stolen. The monkey looks at the keyhole and notices that it is opened with a master key instead of picking. However, she is confused that Aya and Matsunaga, who own her key, do not lend the key to anyone. On the way back, Monkey and Yamamoto went to the music room as soon as they read the article "The Spirit of a Nasty Female Teacher Appearing in the Music Room", the seven mysteries of a high school girl posted in the corridor.
巨乳の女教師、松永と美人女子高生、あやに錠前交換を依頼され、興奮が抑えられないサル。悪友の山本と共に夢の楽園、女子高を訪ねたサルはバスケ部の部室の鍵を確認。鍵を何度交換してもあやばかり盗難に遭うという。サルは鍵穴を見てピッキングではなく、合鍵で開けられている事に気付く。だが、鍵を所有するあやと松永は誰にも鍵を貸していないと困惑する。帰り際、サルと山本は廊下に貼られた女子高の7不思議「音楽室に現れる淫乱女教師の霊」という記事を読むや否や音楽室へ。サルと山本は淫乱女教師の霊を相手に童貞卒業を目論む!? そして後日、サルはバスケ部の部室の錠前を交換するが、またしてもあやの下着が盗まれてしまう…。