Sämtliche Versuche von Muneakira und seinen Meister-Samurai, eine Samurai Bride zu erschaffen, schlagen fehl. Währenddessen beginnen Kojiro und Mataemon damit, den Beschützer-Stein zu attackieren.
Muneakira and his Master Samurai are attempting to create the Samurai Bride with flashbacks intervening of their conversation after Yukimura revealed the conditions. Due to the sealing by Musashi, Muneakira is unable to continue. Inshun asks Musashi to give Muneakira the method to unseal himself after the battle and disappears while Kojiro talks to Mataemon about the flaws each Dark Samurai possesses due to improper resurrection. While Musashi goes to Yagyu Dojo for the battle, Kojiro and Mataemon attack the Chingo Stone. Jubei provokes Musashi into battle while Inshun defends the Chingo Stone. Inshun is taken down by Mataemon as the ghosts within the cemetery grow stronger due to the damage inflicted upon the Chingo Stone. As Kojiro is about to kill Charles, Gisen appears using her Devil's Eye. Kojiro and Mataemon are able to flee but as the ghosts empower Musashi, she threatens to kill herself since she can't fight fair against Jubei. Keiji appears revealing that Muneakira only needs his own ki to blow off the seal. The ghost accumulates around the yorishiro, absorbing the Dark Samurai for their powers to battle on its own. Due to Inshun being the "empty vessel", the ghosts are centering around her as Muneakira and his Master Samurai are now faced with defeating this new enemy.
Muneakira y su Maestro Samurai están intentando crear la novia del samurai con retrocesos intervenir después de su conversación Yukimura reveló las condiciones. Debido a la estanqueidad por Musashi, Muneakira es incapaz de continuar. Inshun pide Musashi para dar Muneakira el método de desprecintar sí mismo después de la batalla y desaparece mientras habla con Kojiro Mataemon sobre los defectos de cada Samurai Oscuro posee debido a la resurrección inadecuada.
드디어 찾아온 다크 사무라이들과의 대결 날. 하지만 야규 도장에 찾아온 건 미야모토 무사시 한 명뿐. 다른 자들은 어디 갔느냐는 질문에 무사시는 난처해 하는데, 그때 사악한 기가…