Six months has passed and life has been peaceful for Masayoshi, who people are keen to make World President. Meanwhile, Hidenori makes plans to meet up with his girlfriend for a long-awaited date. Upon hearing about this, Mari drags Masayoshi along with him to follow Hidenori to his hometown. There, Hidenori's mother explains that Hidenori had a girlfriend during high school, who disappeared one day and was never found. She then reveals that Hidenori had in fact been sending texts to himself impersonating the girlfriend in order to keep his sanity. As Mari feels downhearted upon learning about this, she spends the evening with Moe and Mizuki. Meanwhile, Masayoshi encounters a boy named Haiji Sawada, who sets off an explosion in a building.
フラメンコ星人との決闘、宇宙の意志との対話……。人智を超える体験をし、地球に戻ってきた正義を待っていたのは、悪が一掃された平和で穏やかな日常だった。悪の消えた世界には、正義 (せいぎ)の味方の出番はもうないのかもしれない。そんなことを考えていた矢先、後藤が彼女とデートの約束をしていることを知った正義は、まりと共に後藤を尾行することになり……。
Masayoshi nutzt die Zeit der erneuten Rettung der Welt um das Geheimnis um Gotous Freundin zu lüften...