Beyond Flamenco states a lot of cryptic messages, before taking his own life, causing all the From Beyond members to disappear. With the destruction device still running, the Flamengers try to use all their Flamen Robo's weapons to try and stop it, managing to stop it in time and safely escape. With peace returned to Japan, the Flamengers disband and return to their daily lives. Meanwhile, Masayoshi, still curious about Beyond Flamenco's last words, is approached by an American hero named Mr. Justice, who protects him from the Bureau of Peace who are after him and the other Flamengers for some reason. Justice informs Masayoshi that the Japanese government, led by the prime minister, created From Beyond as a means to distract countries from wars and improve their political standing, just like in his country. As the Flamengers were seen as a threat to the Japanese government's plans, they decided to frame the Flamengers for attempting to overthrow the government. Justice helps Masayoshi escape whilst he himself is apprehended, leaving Masayoshi fleeing as he is put on Japan's Most Wanted list.
正義と瓜二つの顔をした怪人は、正義を兄と呼び、自らを“ビヨンドフラメンコ”と名乗った。動揺を隠せない正義を前に、“ビヨンドフラメンコ”は静かに語り始める。 “フロム・ビヨンド”の持つ思想、そしてその目的を……。一方、“フラメンジャー”の戦いを指揮してきた政府もまた新たな動きを見せ始める。“フロム・ビヨンド”との戦いの行方は果たして?!
Masyaoshi ist verwirrt. Was hat es mit Beyond Flamenco und Mister Justice auf sich? Und welche Rolle spielt die japanische Regierung bei der ganzen Sache eigentlich?