Set after the time of Sakura Taisen 4 (game), Kanzaki Sumire, during a training session was noticed that her spirit power (rei-ryoku) has dropped tremendously, below levels required to pilot the Koubu-nishiki. She decides to retire from the Kageki-dan while she still holds the position of "top star" in the dai-teikoku gekijyou. (AnimeNewsNetwork)
樱花大战OVA特别篇之神崎堇引退纪念(サクラ大戦 ~神崎すみれ 引退记念~『す・み・れ』),于2002年播出。表面上的剧情是神崎堇因为当年频繁驾驶测试高耗能的早期型灵子甲胄而导致灵力衰退严重,决定退出花组,回到神崎重工。花组成员为其举办了引退纪念演出。实际上是神崎堇的声优富泽美智惠小姐因为婚后家庭原因,不得不放弃热爱的声优事业的动画表现。