Sailor Moon takes the stage like never before!
Jedite hosts a radio show, and somehow neither Luna nor Sailor Moon recognize his voice...
SMA Episode 3 Jedite's new plan is to steal energy from fat girls. Serena, of course, takes the bait.
SMA Episode 4 Jedite is stealing energy from contestants in a talent show - why Serena is there, no one knows.
SMA Episode 5 Some new girl shows up, but no can hear a word that comes out of her mouth... Something to do with the planet Mercury?
SMA Episode 6 Jedite's new plan has something to do with clocks. Don't worry, he doesn't know the specifics either.
SMA Episode 7 Sailor Mars finally shows up! And everyone's sort of regretting it...
SMA Episode 8 Jedite goes after little kids in an amusement park. The Scouts just so happen to be there. Convenient things are great.
SMA Episode 9 Jedite decides to set up a fake Love Cruise to steal "love energy" from happy couples. The Scouts (who are all single) pretend they have reasons to be there.
SMA Episode 10 Jedite dies. It sure sucks to be him.
SMA Episode 11 Nephlite is the Scouts' new formidable foe, & Molly attempts to have character development!
SMA Episode 12 Mr. Baxter is a creepy dude who likes parks... and young teenage girls. The Scouts seem to think this is great!
SMA Episode 13-14 Peter File is a famous photographer who goes to Raye's all-girls-school. This show just gets weirder.
SMA Episode 15-16 Nephlite thinks that Molly is Sailor Moon. You know, because Molly is a blond with long pigtails.
SMA Episode 17 Two animators struggle with a dilemma: what exactly does one use a pencil for?
SMA Episode 18 Molly's pretending to be an important character again, and Serena wears a hideous dress.
SMA Episode 19 Molly, what are you doing?
SMA Episode 20 Nephlite and Molly frolic off into the sunset. Oh, wait... No, he just dies.
SMA Episode 21 Leo, I mean Lita, transfers to Juuban High School. And Beryl learns she has a mission.
SMA Episode 22 The Vatican is gonna be all over us for this one...
SMA Episode 23 Amy actually has a reason for being so quiet. Too bad no one cares.
SMA Episode 24-25 Andrew's mom? Totally got it going on.
SMA Episode 26-27 The Negaverse was smart enough to actually attack two places at once!
SMA Episode 28 Molly is victimized, and Melvin is retarded. Nothing new here.
SMA Episode 29 The arrival of Sailor Venus! This show will never be the same...
SMA Episode 30 Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask discover each other's thinly disguised real identities!
SMA Episode 31 Say what? Sailor Venus isn't the Moon Princess?!
SMA Episode 32 Plot points galore! Maybe.
SMA Episode 33 Serena gets kicked out of a Finishing School so damn fast, it's not even funny.
SMA Episode 34 And everybody died...!
SMA Episode 35 Never question how Raye's overalls got to be pink!
SMA Episode 36-37 Pokemon! We've got an anime mash-up in this bitch!
SMA Episode 38 What is this? Naruto or something?
SMA Episode 39 Woah, there's actually PLOT revealed here, folks! This is a must see!
SMA Episode 40 Part 1 Will the Sailor Scouts survive the battle with Queen Beryl? Oh, just kidding, they get killed off before even CONFRONTING Beryl!
SMA Episode 40 Part 2 The second half of the thrilling (???) season finale! Nonsensical motives & conclusions abound!
SMA Episode 41 New alien bad guys appear, who bear a striking resemblance to that sociopath in the movie! Whom no one besides Serena seems to remember...
SMA Episode 42 The girls all regain their memories, yet they still don't remember the movie...
SMA Episode 43 The day is saved by a tall, dark, and handsome figure standing at elevated heights, throwing roses and spouting nonsense. No relation to...
SMA Episode 44 A new Virtuous Reality game place opens and shit happens.
SMA Episode 45 The girls play ditch school to watch cherry blossoms fall, and some major energy-draining business goes DOWN.
SMA Series Episode 46-47 BABIES DIE ....and other stuff too.
SMA Series Episode 48-49 Raye takes over the school's festival & Lita has fallen in love with another man. No surprise here! Enjoy eh!
SMA Episode 50 The Sailor Scouts are holding a performance of Sleeping Beauty with Ann as the lead but Alan has other plans.....
SMA Episode 51 The most exciting episode ever to be made...Serena gets detention! Wait it gets better...she has it with Anne! Oh yeah there's also some crazy cardian & the girls ditch Serena to go see a movie. Typical day.